Sunday, 15 September 2013

Achieving impossible dreams

As we go through life, we all have dreams. Usually, our dreams are governed by what other people expect from us. In schools, we are told to perform and our dreams entail receiving praise through sports or academics etc. Then, growing up entails dreams of professional success which is again determined by what society deems is possible given our sphere.
The only break away we make from conventional thinking is by falling in love, having affairs or going truant. Though these activities are considered distractions in Indian society, these are the only ambitions towards original thinking that we display.
For teenagers, seeking an identity involves drinking alcohol or smoking because they want to diverge from the set norms. Doing something different appeals to the soul which wants to break away and create something anew.
However, as the person grows older and gets into the grind, he tries to follow set norms. The teenagers who rebel a lot, have too many affairs or experiment to much with negative habits start feeling abused, overtime. The need of the soul was for creativity but by jumping too high , and too often, they end up bruising themselves more than moving on.
Such people become bitter and start preaching traditional values though they still find it difficult to follow tradition, themselves. An inner conflict keeps breaking them as the soul needs to achieve dreams, left in half ,due to careless mistakes.

However, dreaming is important for soul evolution. If we just achieve success in terms of other people, we would never rise to a higher quality of existence as we would keep procreating that which already exists. We would do the popular jobs, marry the trendy looking people and think we have achieved success in life.
But, the soul craving would not get satisfied with being popular or conventionally successful.

The soul would seek fulfillment be it sexual fulfillment arising from being truly loved, emotional fulfillment from being understood or professional fulfillment arising from contributing meaningfully.

As is written in the book  IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS


In each life on Earth, we, as souls, plan to achieve a specific purpose. The purpose of life involves focusing energies on creating a particular kind of physical reality, which would help us attain happiness in that life.
Different souls have different life purposes and they are born with a skill set necessary to attain that purpose. For example, one person may have a desire to be a dancer while another may desire to be an engineer. In the process of the pursuit of these desires, the soul moves towards attaining its  life purpose.
To attain this purpose, we make a life-plan, at the soul level before incarnating on Earth. All the steps on this plan are designed to lead us to attaining the level of emotional training required to achieve the life purpose.
The steps are coded at an energy level and they keep motivating us to pursue certain instincts over others. Through successfully making choices which help us feel happy/positive from within while manifesting our external desires; we can evolve to achieving our life purpose. The path towards achieving the life purpose is difficult but is accompanied with a high quality of emotional satisfaction.
 Since the soul is a unit of life force energy, it understands its reality in energy terms and not in physical or tangible terms.
From  our soul’s perspective, the praise, money, respect, success or power we seek to gain through our efforts on Earth,  are emotional experiences. The soul feels positive or negative through these external experiences but does not perceive them directly, physically. It only reads these external aspects of life from an internal emotional scale.
 The individual life purpose, therefore, is a unique emotional experience that the soul seeks to accomplish during that specific journey on Earth.  For an individual, incarnating, little soul, this purpose is the main reason for being born.
This individual purpose is also connected to a purpose for the world, i.e., for the planet Earth, as a whole.
In other words, when the soul seeks to raise its individual energy frequency to positive during the process of evolution on Earth, it also has to ensure that the planet’s energies also become more positive, through the work it does. 
Negative energies, which come in the form of negative emotions such as fear or doubt, act as obstacles in achieving happiness while pursuing the soul’s purpose of life.
These fears and doubts aim to divert the soul away from the life purpose into a meaningless pursuit of success or power which cannot lead to any feelings of emotional peace or happiness for the soul......... "
For more details, please refer to the book:
The dreams that appear as impossible to us have to be pursued because they only appear impossible at the physically, tangible perspective of the body. For the soul, the dream is the guideline of the path to be followed to feel successful within.For example, if your dream is flying like superman, you may not be able to literally fly with a  body , but you ca do tasks which make you feel as if your are flying in spirit.
As long as the soul is satisfied, you would realize happiness. But, if you pursue the dream such that you achieve the external outcome but fail to realize the inner spirit, you would remain unhappy. Like, if you want to fly like superman and choose to get in a  superman body costume and bungy jump, the soul would not feel great. It would only make you feel emptier and more helpless because the soul identifies success with the feelings underlying the external act.
To feel like superman, you would have to take up superhuman tasks to help others, which normal people would not desire to. You would also have to learn to connect to a higher realm and take in superhuman power in the form of energy, faith , belief in self and in a  good world.
There are no dreams which are fantasies. It is your perception which makes it a fantasy. All dreams have feelings underlying which are achievable. For example, if you are a poor man/woman and you want to drive a Ferrari , it only means that you want your life to race ahead .If you try to work hard in order to buy the Ferrari, you would ensure that your life races and hence you would feel satisfied .If you are on the path of achieving your dreams in alignment with your soul needs of would feel more satisfied than negative on an average.
If your desire is to own diamonds, then the soul wants you to raise in consciousness and glitter in spirit as a diamond light. The diamonds wont make you feel fulfilled as the brightening of your inner light would.
If you are ugly and want to marry a  handsome person, the dream is only to make you rise above physical expression of beauty and understand your soul. If you have a powerful soul which can make the other person feel good about herself or himself, your physical beauty would not matter.
If you are in love and you want a person to be with you but are afraid that you are not good enough, then the dream would motivate you to be good enough. If you believe you would never be good enough for that person, you may never be but if you believe that your dream can come true, you would raise your inner potential. 
If your lover ditches you, it only means that your soul frequencies did not match . You appeared to be similar on the outside but at an energy level, you were very different. If that person had stayed on, you would probably have felt non-understood without realizing it but after the person leaves, and you work on your confidence, you would rise to a much higher level. The process of self healing after getting betrayed in love is explained in detail in the book REDEFINING HAPPINESS ( how to handle negative feelings, a soul's perspective )

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