Sunday, 18 February 2024

Transcending Emotions From Negative To Positive

 Negative emotions act like poisonous acid in the body and create diseases in the organs if persistently focused upon.

 The energy of an emotion is an electric impulse which is released through a hormone in the subconscious mind and passes to different parts of the body througha neuro-pathway or an energy circuit. 

At the core, an emotion is an energy of a specific frequency which can be positive or negative. 

Emotions of positive energy frequency are happiness, contentment, satisfaction, peace, joy, optimism, passion etc. while negative emotions are anger, fear, hurt, guilt, pain, sadness, anxiety etc. Positive emotions spread hormones to help improve health &peacefulness while negative emotions create diseases and anxieties.

A negative emotion can be transcended to a positive emotion by systematically learning how to remove the negative energy component from its energy circuit through redefining beliefs about life, changing expectations and deleting negative memories

The process is facilitated by energy healing , meditation and past life therapy .

This blog is an excerpt from my book - A course in Emotional Management

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