Sunday, 28 January 2024

Energize Feelings of Positivity more than Worries by Choice

 We create positive hormones in our body, by energizing positive feelings. Imagination of being happy in the present, helps to create happiness in the future. Happiness enters as energy by focusing on how we would feel when we are happy again. Energies multiply through focus be in reality or imagination.

While our external realty maybe negative/painful, we need to internally co-create being positive through using imagination. Through using will power to mobilize positive energy flow, we need to shift our mind away from the problem or pain. 

Hence, instead of constantly feeling negative, we can momentarily choose to imagine being as healthy or happy again, as we were before the pain or would be in an ideal situation. We can break our focus on pain several times by shifting focus on being pain free for moments in imagination.

This break state creates positive hormones in body and healing speeds up. We evolve to a higher soul frequency by being optimistic after an encounter with negativity. Happiness comes from the soul’s vibrations of feeling positive and detaching from thinking about difficulties.

This blog is an excerpt from the book - Redefining Happiness,  a soul ' s perspective 

Sunday, 21 January 2024

Negative Feelings Have To Be Forced To Stop To Avoid Sickness

 Our subconscious mind picks up the 

energies/self-talk we repeat as commands as 

Focus increases negativity .

Our subconscious mind picks up the 

energies/self-talk we repeat as commands as 

is explained in my earlier books. The feeling 

focused upon in the present creates further 

reality. It is better to be in the feeling that the 

pain is gone than being in the vibration that 

the pain exists. Feeling that the negative 

energy has passed away will create the 

situation in the future that it passes away.

We create in the future what we focus upon 


The first step to get out of feeling negative is 

to force our mind to stop focusing on the 

accident, situation or sickness which is 

creating the pain and be thoughtless or focus 

on something else, which is non-negative.

We can cry it out but smile as soon as we 

regain control of our energy waves. We cannot 

afford to be lazy mentally and brood instead of 

controlling the mind from feeling negative.

We increase negative energy by focusing on a 

negative situation or a problem. We have to 

check the virus of negativity before it grows 

into fungus. The negative situation needs to 

be overcome in the initial stages of attack 

before it becomes a traumatizing memory in 

the mind or triggers a sickness in the body.

This blog is an excerpt from the book - Redefining Happiness: How To Overcome Negative Feelings :

by Shiva Swati

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...