Sunday, 19 November 2023

Why do Problems Exist From the Soul Perspective

It is understood that each problem, whether physical or mental, is created due to suppressed negative emotions residing in the subconscious mind. 

As explained in detail in my other books, from the perspective of the soul, negative emotions arise because the soul has to learn some emotional lessons from experiencing difficulties; learning which would help in its evolution. 

The difficult experience which causes the negative emotions to rise is usually, a part of a life-plan made before taking birth. The time after incarnation in the physical body, is to deal with the mental and physical problem such that the soul lesson is learnt and the soul feels evolved in the process. The problem stops troubling the person only after the person’s point of dominant emotional focus changes from negative to positive.

Our soul knows it has to evolve and hence, creates problems in the body so that the person notices it is going wrong in making choices of life. It affects the functioning of the subconscious mind by reducing its vibrational frequency to less positive whenever a setback is encountered externally. That harms the body as the subconscious mind controls the functioning of organs in the body, as explained below.

The functioning of the Subconscious Mind 

The subconscious mind makes up for about 90 % of human mind ....

For further reading ,please refer to the book  In Search of Happiness; how past lives affect the present life ,part 2- the lost Soldier...

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