Sunday, 19 November 2023

Why do Problems Exist From the Soul Perspective

It is understood that each problem, whether physical or mental, is created due to suppressed negative emotions residing in the subconscious mind. 

As explained in detail in my other books, from the perspective of the soul, negative emotions arise because the soul has to learn some emotional lessons from experiencing difficulties; learning which would help in its evolution. 

The difficult experience which causes the negative emotions to rise is usually, a part of a life-plan made before taking birth. The time after incarnation in the physical body, is to deal with the mental and physical problem such that the soul lesson is learnt and the soul feels evolved in the process. The problem stops troubling the person only after the person’s point of dominant emotional focus changes from negative to positive.

Our soul knows it has to evolve and hence, creates problems in the body so that the person notices it is going wrong in making choices of life. It affects the functioning of the subconscious mind by reducing its vibrational frequency to less positive whenever a setback is encountered externally. That harms the body as the subconscious mind controls the functioning of organs in the body, as explained below.

The functioning of the Subconscious Mind 

The subconscious mind makes up for about 90 % of human mind ....

For further reading ,please refer to the book  In Search of Happiness; how past lives affect the present life ,part 2- the lost Soldier...

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Choices That Make You Happy vs Choices That Make You Sad

 Our soul understands the process of creation on Earth by investing its energies on pursuing its dreams. The desires which we all have are there to motivate us to create reality on the physical plane. The obstacles we face in attaining those desires help us overcome manifestations of negative energies in physical form.

Any situation which makes us feel negative is an energy of negative frequency and has to be converted into an energy of positive frequency. Even if correct conventionally, uc the situation makes you unhappier, it's a choice that you make to be sad.

When we can convert our unhappiness into happiness, we, as souls are able to create what we desire to experience. 

If we are able to defeat the negative energies, and create happiness for ourselves, we move upwards on the scale of evolution. As we become internally more positive/clear in our energy frequencies, we move closer to the high positive frequencies of the Creator.

The soul’s Higher Self helps it in mastering the art of creation, by giving signals on which choices to make in life .However, the decisions on which path to choose while overcoming obstacles in life has to be practically taken by our soul itself , on the physical plane. Our Higher Self, in sync with the Creator can guide us, but cannot interfere in our free will. 

In the spiritual design, there is a hierarchy of structure wherein each soul has a free will, which gives it the power to choose on how to evolve. The right of free will ensures that our soul cannot be forced into following the path of God, but has to learn to decide for itself which path is good for its own happiness.

Our Higher Self never forces its soul fragment to obey its command because, if it did so, the soul would not understand the art of creation on its own and would always depend on the Higher power for assistance. Because of dependence, the soul would not be able to evolve on its own or match its intention with that of the Creator.

However, the soul can find happiness in its life only when it makes choices which lead it to overcome negative energy and manifest positive energy, as the Higher Self wants it to. If the soul makes choices which are not in alignment with its Higher Self, it would be like a cell making choices against the choices of the whole body. 

If each cell wants to go in a different direction, the body would be in chaos and the cell would not find happiness either. So, evolution entails that the soul learns to master the process of creation such that it can create in sync with the plan of the Creator.

If we make the right choices, our individual happiness, would spread happiness in the world, as well, since each one of us is a part of the whole. Thus, if each unit of energy is happy, it necessitates that the energy would spread to make the overall quality of energy more positive.

If we make choices because of fashion or ritualistically , which make us negative , those choices leave a trail of negativity for all concerned and for Earth , vibrationally..

This blog is an excerpt from the book - Creation of Happiness:the soul's perspective 

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...