Monday, 2 January 2023

Educational Evolution Essential to Understand Energies Underlying Actions


Education is encouraged in today’s world for as many as can be reached by the literate society but peace and happiness are not as accredited. People thin only education is important whether it leads to aggressive children or kind children is not given my value. There is no priority given yet to generating  peacefulness or calmness in the minds of young children than can help them manage emotions as adults to be peaceful not aggressive by choice.

Education is glorified. However, quantity of education is focused upon not quality of the values it imparts. All elite children or poor children have to get educated irrespective of its impact of their stress levels . There is no discrimination studied on the pressure of education in each mind  that accumulates overtime and creates war heroes or terrorists or criminals  from kind young spirits. Are your children becoming more polite or more aggressive after joining schools ? Are they becoming compassionate or competitive ?

If you can afford it, have conducive family circumstances or are supported by the government, you do not opt to not get educated but you often take the choice to remain angry and become violent as education is supposed to get you money and acknowledgement. 

In today’s world, money is considered as the measure of approval and success even if the process of earning money makes you negative. Anything that is paid for by money is supposed to be considered as motivational by the majority of people who identify happiness with consumable items and aim for satisfaction through buying cars, mobiles, jewels and clothes. However, happiness does not increase by buying products as much as it does not increase by playing with toys as children. 

The factors which increase inner happiness are sidelined in the race for earning money which creates a society which is constantly complaining of unhappiness, depressions, diseases and misfortunes; only because the focus of thinking is on the negative aspects of evolution and creating short term satisfaction while ignoring the needs for peace and harmony. 

This lop-sided focus of thinking towards using money as the measure of success arises from childhood, where success is measured by getting marks which gets transferred to earning money in adulthood.

There is much less attention given to feeling happy while working in childhood or feeling positive while earning money in adulthood. However, happiness is a result of accumulation of positive feelings which release positive hormones in the body, which, subsequently, create satisfaction in the soul. 

In contrast with the presumption that accredited success automatically leads to happiness; the feelings of happiness, contentment, joy & excitement which arise during working in any way, lead to multiple feelings of happiness overtime.

This except is from my book - Spirituality in Education - Redefine Success

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