Sunday, 3 December 2023

How Negative Feelings Create Divorce

 By choosing to feel negative internally, we allow negative energy, to block our soul vibrations and therefore, devolve in terms of soul evolution. This forces the soul to think, review it's choices to evolve to happiness again . Negativity hits even if suppressed.

Our beliefs about life are often conditioned such that we get tuned into suppressing our negative feelings for the sake of maintaining a positive exterior front. However, our positive self talk fails to help us if we feel negative within, irrespective of how it should be as per our beliefs and conventions.

For example, if we are in a marriage (or in a job) where we have several differences with our partner, we may tell ourselves repeatedly that we are coping up happily but go on feeling sad within. The negative feelings would reach our soul, not what we tell ourselves consciously, since the soul only feels us at an energy level; it cannot hear our self rationalization.

When we cheat our soul, we feel internally helpless and our bounce of life drops because the soul is like the filament of a bulb. It keeps getting its power from the main source of Life, through invisible energy circuits, which connect the soul to its Higher Self. 

If the focus of the body is on negativity, these energy circuits get clogged and the connection of the bulb to the source of light gets weakened. 

The soul can no longer connect to the Light and hence, it no longer feels positive. Its frequency lowers.

Like a fused bulb filament, it feels trapped inside the body, unable to connect to or radiate life force. However, unlike the machine filament, the soul doesn’t permanently die. It has a unique consciousness, and the power to revive through exercise of its will.

When the soul feels blocked it tries to restore back to its original frequency. To raise its frequency, it has to reconnect to the main source of Light. 

To reconnect to the light, it has to clear its energy circuits by removing all thoughts and beliefs which make it focus on the negative. Hence, our soul tries to break that structure around us, which forces us to focus on the negative aspects of life.

For example, the soul which feels blocked in a marriage or in a job would try to remove this obstacle which it perceives is the cause of lowering its frequency. Thus, irrespective of our positive self-talk, our soul energy would pull us subconsciously to break the marriage or leave the job.

If we ignore our subconscious pull, we would go on feeling sad. Overtime, due to feeling sad, we would develop mental and physical diseases, as there would be a consistent focus on stress and release of negative hormones in the body. The negative feelings would keep lowering the soul frequency, and our situation would turn from bad to worse as we go on reinforcing our focus on the negative situation. 

The only way to help our soul feel positive would be to make ourselves feel good, not merely tell ourselves that we feel okay. Feeling good internally would be a more honest experience and would necessitate changing a negative pattern of thinking or working or living.

To feel good, we would need to release illusory fears of survival, which may be the reason for us to want to continue living in the negative experience.  Or we may have to break persistent, harmful habits which create problems in our job or marriage like laziness, impatience, rigidity of thinking, refusal to adopt positive beliefs, lack of self-discipline etc. In either case, feeling good within would require learning of soul lessons, failing which we would continue feeling negative.

Negative feelings aid in soul evolution because they force us to learn soul lessons. If feeling negative did not cause us pain, we could conveniently drift through life, without making any effort to evolve to a better quality of existence.

This blog is an extract from the book - Creation of Happiness :The Energy War, chapter 6

Sunday, 19 November 2023

Why do Problems Exist From the Soul Perspective

It is understood that each problem, whether physical or mental, is created due to suppressed negative emotions residing in the subconscious mind. 

As explained in detail in my other books, from the perspective of the soul, negative emotions arise because the soul has to learn some emotional lessons from experiencing difficulties; learning which would help in its evolution. 

The difficult experience which causes the negative emotions to rise is usually, a part of a life-plan made before taking birth. The time after incarnation in the physical body, is to deal with the mental and physical problem such that the soul lesson is learnt and the soul feels evolved in the process. The problem stops troubling the person only after the person’s point of dominant emotional focus changes from negative to positive.

Our soul knows it has to evolve and hence, creates problems in the body so that the person notices it is going wrong in making choices of life. It affects the functioning of the subconscious mind by reducing its vibrational frequency to less positive whenever a setback is encountered externally. That harms the body as the subconscious mind controls the functioning of organs in the body, as explained below.

The functioning of the Subconscious Mind 

The subconscious mind makes up for about 90 % of human mind ....

For further reading ,please refer to the book  In Search of Happiness; how past lives affect the present life ,part 2- the lost Soldier...

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Choices That Make You Happy vs Choices That Make You Sad

 Our soul understands the process of creation on Earth by investing its energies on pursuing its dreams. The desires which we all have are there to motivate us to create reality on the physical plane. The obstacles we face in attaining those desires help us overcome manifestations of negative energies in physical form.

Any situation which makes us feel negative is an energy of negative frequency and has to be converted into an energy of positive frequency. Even if correct conventionally, uc the situation makes you unhappier, it's a choice that you make to be sad.

When we can convert our unhappiness into happiness, we, as souls are able to create what we desire to experience. 

If we are able to defeat the negative energies, and create happiness for ourselves, we move upwards on the scale of evolution. As we become internally more positive/clear in our energy frequencies, we move closer to the high positive frequencies of the Creator.

The soul’s Higher Self helps it in mastering the art of creation, by giving signals on which choices to make in life .However, the decisions on which path to choose while overcoming obstacles in life has to be practically taken by our soul itself , on the physical plane. Our Higher Self, in sync with the Creator can guide us, but cannot interfere in our free will. 

In the spiritual design, there is a hierarchy of structure wherein each soul has a free will, which gives it the power to choose on how to evolve. The right of free will ensures that our soul cannot be forced into following the path of God, but has to learn to decide for itself which path is good for its own happiness.

Our Higher Self never forces its soul fragment to obey its command because, if it did so, the soul would not understand the art of creation on its own and would always depend on the Higher power for assistance. Because of dependence, the soul would not be able to evolve on its own or match its intention with that of the Creator.

However, the soul can find happiness in its life only when it makes choices which lead it to overcome negative energy and manifest positive energy, as the Higher Self wants it to. If the soul makes choices which are not in alignment with its Higher Self, it would be like a cell making choices against the choices of the whole body. 

If each cell wants to go in a different direction, the body would be in chaos and the cell would not find happiness either. So, evolution entails that the soul learns to master the process of creation such that it can create in sync with the plan of the Creator.

If we make the right choices, our individual happiness, would spread happiness in the world, as well, since each one of us is a part of the whole. Thus, if each unit of energy is happy, it necessitates that the energy would spread to make the overall quality of energy more positive.

If we make choices because of fashion or ritualistically , which make us negative , those choices leave a trail of negativity for all concerned and for Earth , vibrationally..

This blog is an excerpt from the book - Creation of Happiness:the soul's perspective 

Friday, 20 October 2023

Creation of Reality - how des the soul create reality ?

Creation happens through sending of electromagnetic vibrations in the universe which carry the frequency of the energy in motion in your thoughts or the feelings of your thoughts . Negative feelings create a negative reality overtime and positive feelings create a positive reality overtime. 

Creation is an art, and like any art, it involves trial and error. We may not succeed each time in creating what we desire in the external world. This would hold true, especially if our desires are unrealistic or pre-mature from the perspective of technological evolution in the physical world. Or if our frequency does not match the frequency of the desire.


For example, if you desire traveling in a flying car, it may not happen soon, literally. You would not be able to make yourself believe it can happen and partly that would be the reason why it won’t manifest soon enough technologically. However, through reinforcing the feeling of sitting in a flying car especially while in a traffic jam you would accentuate your speed of travel.

Through imagining positively, even if you do not literally fly, at the level of feeling, you can feel as good as you would when you travel in a flying car, and thus increase the inflow of positive energy in your body. That will also help in mobilizing energies for the same technological innovation in the future.   In the meantime, by feeling that you are travelling stress free as in flying, you may shift to a city where you have to travel less or where roads are emptier.

 Usually , an internal dominant focus of more than 51 percent is required on the happiness you desire and then allow the energies of creation to present it to you in different forms till you get the correct form you desire.

Always remember that  when we don’t succeed,  it would only be because we let negative energy block the flow of positive creation. Or it is because the energy we seek does not match with the form we seek it from; i.e. ,by realizing the desire we have would not lead us to the kind of happiness we are focusing upon from it.

 This is an excerpt from the book CREATION OF HAPPINESS:THE ENERGY WAR , a soul's perspective by Shiva Swati


We err in using the laws of creationby having doubt or disbelief in the universe’s or the creator’s or your own ability to create.


The more frequently we practice experiencing the feelings of happiness which we desire to manifest, the more perfect we would get in the art of creation. As we succeed, our trust inour own abilities would increase.

As we try incorporating each and every aspect of our life, while practicing the art of creation, we would be able to create the life we desire to live at the level of feeling and hence, help ourselves realize our mission as a soul.

Through raising our soul frequency, we would increase the inflow of positive energy in our life from the Source. That would make us happy in ways, we may not have defined till now.



Thursday, 21 September 2023

Soul's power of Creation

 Though emotional turmoil is dominant today but we need to be aware that the world as it exists today has been created by us, as souls, through a sustained focus on the negative. Stress ,worry and tension are negative feelings .

Human beings, as souls, are creators of their own reality. We, as souls, in human bodies participate in the law of creation as our natural state of being.

The Basic Premise: The Law of Creation

The Law of Creation is a law of energy transfer. It explains that energy transfers from a raw, non physical form of matter to a physical form, through a consistent focus on creating the physical form with our thoughts and actions.

Just as water transfers from a beaker to a glass through consistent focus on pouring it, energy transfers from a non-physical state to being in a physically bound state, through a persistent focus of the soul, pouring life force energy upon it. 

The Law of Creation states that whichever feeling the soul focuses upon mentally, it mobilizes energy to create the same feeling at the level of physical experience.

The Law, essentially, illustrates the theory of cause and effect in the process of creation. As seeds grow to bear flowers, thoughts grow to create reality.

The process of creation gets activated when a thought gets focused on creating a reality, by repeatedly moving in that specific direction,as an energy movement. 

The thought has a feeling that has an electric impulse that mobilizes energies of similar frequencies by being radiated out as a breath of a positive and negative frequency.Building a reality is like building a house . It takes time and patience and deconstruction of the old house for  new to take it's place .

The blog is an excerpt from my book - Creation of Happiness ; The Energy war, a soul perspective , chapter 7

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Spirit vs Soul Identity

 Spirit has an identity much greater than the 

identity of the body.

The eternal spirit incarnates as a soul in a 

body to learn lessons of soul evolution. The 

learning, evolving soul has to come on Earth 

for a direct contact with negativity. Negative 

energies cannot be experienced in the spiritual 

dimension. The soul attends theoretical 

classes in celestial dimensions about the kinds 

of energies it has to master to channelize 

creation in physical dimensions. Then, it 

comes to Earth to apply that knowledge.

In the physical dimension, viz. Earth, the soul 

has to create happiness in a given frame of 

circumstances. The purpose of incarnating in 

a physical body is to learn how to create in the 

physical realm within limits of time and space.

The soul in a human body has a finite life, 

unlike the eternal spirit. The soul tries to 

create within a specified time whatever it 

desires to be happy. By experiencing 

happiness, its energy frequency becomes 

higher, when the soul is able to attain its level of soul evolution.

Earth is like a school for the soul where each 

life is an exam. The soul has to evolve to a 

higher positive frequency in order to pass the 

exam within a specific time viz. a life time. If 

the soul fails to create happiness within its life-

time, it has to repeat the test. The soul lives a 

number of life-times wherein 

it tries to create happiness by overcoming gra

dations of difficulties. The soul can rise to a 

higher grade and evolve to a different life-plan 

when it clears one level of tests by passing 

that stage of soul evolution.

If the person dies feeling negative, for 

whatever reason, the soul cannot reach a 

higher dimension of positivity and has to 

repeat the test through living another life with 

similar level of difficulties.

It does not matter whether the soul is 

successful or not in Earthly terms, as the soul 

has to feel happy in its inner being to pass its 

tests of soul evolution. Only an ever rising 

level of happiness and peace indicate that the 

soul is successfully attaining a brighter 

positive energy frequency and is in alignment 

with its plan of soul evolution. If our soul gets 

stuck in following conventional beliefs, it may 

sacrifice its true happiness in order to attain 

success in ways which help spread negativity 

on Earth, more than happiness.

This blog is an excerpt from my book  - Redefining Happiness , chapter 18

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Balance Hope & Realism


To be happy and successful at the 

same time, a balance between hope 

and realism has to be attained such 

that hope wins over pessimism. To 

ensure expansion of positivity over 

destructive tendencies in self, it is 

necessary to ensure that the soul 

remains optimistic about attaining its 

desires in the future, as a soul who 

becomes too negative while 

overcoming problems loses interest in 

learning the art of creation of 

happiness and seeks to leave Earth by 

developing diseases in the body which 

lead to death. The soul who has no 

desire would not co-create anything 

positive. Hence, giving up desires of 

happiness or peacefulness is not 

emotional management. 

For example, human civilization 

developed from a desire to build 

houses. If man had given up the 

struggle of converting nonsensical 

barren land to sensible existentialism, 

we would still be animals living 

without houses in jungles. 

Therefore, difficulties have to be 

overcome such that desires continue 

to motivate the person to create a 

better life, which is possible only when 

positive emotions dominate over 

negative emotions through learning 

how to apply emotional management 

For further reference, please refer to the book- A Course in Emotional Management

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

How to Perceive Reality For Soul Peace

 If there are six billion people in the world, each one would have a different point of focus, and hence a different perception of reality. 

Reality for one would vary from what it is for another, because it is not the external physical map which affects our perception of reality, or impacts our internal feelings; but it is our existing internal emotional state of mind which determines the kind of energy/information we take in from the external world. 

In tune with the fact that our mind only picks up that information from the environment whose frequency matches with its own internal frequency, there is a law in the universe called the Law of Attraction , which essentially states that ’like attracts like’. Several books are available on the Law of Attraction. Hence, it has not been covered in this book, per se, though the concepts which have developed in this book are built upon the Law of Attraction.

The facts about life which we believe to be real form the basis of our future beliefs and expectations, just as our past beliefs created our present.

Therefore, we have to be careful and aware of our present point of dominant focus of feelings to know how we would feel in the future.

For further reading, please refer to the book - Creation of happiness: the energy war, a soul perspective 

Monday, 24 July 2023

Positivity is like water in a desert


During the process of manifestation, we cannot hold God at ransom if we interpret the intuitions wrongly and make mistakes in execution of the soul plan. Blaming God would not help us achieve our soul purpose. In fact, it would make us feel negative, disconnect from a higher wisdom and lose faith in our ability, as Creators. 

We need to keep meditating on feeling positive, correct mistakes in thinking patterns, interpret intuitions by connecting to our deeper wisdom, focus on learning soul lessons and moving on towards realizing happiness; without dwelling overtly, on the negatives encountered on the way.

Explaining through Analogy of a Video Game :

 If we take the comparison of a racing car video game with a life-plan or astrological report, then, reaching our Destiny is the final winning point. 

All the circumstances are planned, such that the driver reaches the destiny position. Thus the profession we choose, the relationships we have and the problems we get into, all lead to our soul focusing on those emotional energies which it has to learn to balance in that life to achieve its life purpose.

A difficult patch in a life-plan is like driving the car in a desert. The speed is 

slow but if the driver is persistent and stays on the tracks, he crosses the desert. 

However, if the driver looks for shortcuts, he may lose the track and even die in the desert. Now, when such a driver decides to replay the same game, he restarts the game at this point. The usefulness of starting the game mid-way, is that there is a score he has already made and he needs to add just a little more to reach the final winning position. (The scores lost or gained from the previous life are like karmic debts and rewards which our soul carries with itself to the next birth, and may be encoded in the astrology report)

The negative side of continuing an old game is that the new game starts from the rough patch in the desert. From the soul’s perspective, this implies that the soul which repeats a life for completing the destiny of the previous life, is reborn in the middle of the rough patch, i.e. it feels life is difficult from the moment it is born. If the soul makes the right choices this time, the soul evolves to a higher positive frequency and can mobilize energies more powerfully to create life as it desires.

Metaphorically, by making the right moves, the driver is able to defeat the desert and reaches the next level of the game. But if he feels exhausted on the way, he may give up and end the game without overcoming the desert again.

In this new birth, the external circumstances, the parents, the city, the race etc. may be different but at the level of feeling the soul would face the same kind of experiences, as it did in the previous life.

This blog is an excerpt from my book - "Life plan of Creation vs an astrology report", chapter 4.


But the driver may need more practice, and hence, may lose several times 

before he can reach the winning position. Similarly our soul also, may not 

be able to achieve its destiny in one life. Thus, everything written in the 

astrological report may not manifest.

When it can’t achieve its life purpose in one life, our soul relives the same 

life circumstances through another birth.  

Monday, 3 July 2023

How Creation of the Soul Happens Through the Physical Body

 This blog is an excerpt from my book - Creation Of Happiness:The Energy WAr, a soul's perspective

Our Soul, in a physical body, directs energy movement through using its body, as an energy transmitter. It converts unprocessed energy, from the Source into creative energy, by adding form and intent to it.


Metaphorically, the body is used by the soul as a channel/ funnel/pipe/ medium/ torch, for focusing energies on its expectations. A torch helps to focus light. Without a torch, light gets dissipated. Similarly, a body helps to focus energies.

Without a body, the creative energy gets dissipated. Our body acts as a transmitter of energies. Wherever the person directs a torch, light gets focused there. Similarly, wherever our soul focuses its body, creative energy gets focused there.


Creation happens when the soul uses our body to focus its energy on some expectation - be it a desire, or a worry, success or failure, respect or abuse.

Our body focuses energy through taking action in the physical world, to convert a desire into a manifestation.

      Whether it is eating good food, drinking good wine or indulging in sexual pleasures, our physical body is the soul’s channel of experiencing the diverse aspects of creation.    

    As has been mentioned earlier, on the celestial plane, the soul can manifest experiencing any feeling instantly because it experiences as it focuses. But, that experience is at the feeling level. It is not as intense as is experiencing the same sensation, through a physical medium.


    For example, imagine eating an ice-cream without using your tongue to taste it or your nose to smell it or your eyes to look at it! It may not appear as delightful to you as it would, when you use your sense organs.


    The depth of feeling which can be perceived through using our sense organs in a physical body cannot be perceived without them.

    Our physical body not only helps in feeling acute sensory experiences, but it also provides a medium by which our soul can fine tune its expectations to create, specifically, what it desires.


      For instance, your physical senses assist in choosing between a chocolate ice-cream and a vanilla ice-cream. But, if you did not have a tongue, distinguishing the two flavors only through a sense of feeling may be difficult for you. As a soul, you can only feel the ice-cream. You cannot actually eat it. But, as a soul in a body, you can actually eat the ice-cream.


     The soul likes being in the physical body because it can experience a wider range of experiences by using the sense organs of the body than it can by just remaining in its energy self.


For example, just imagine the energy of reading a book without actually seeing it. As you imagine the experience, and if you like reading books, a sense of excitement may come in your mind.

 However, the experience would feel far deeper when you have the book with you on a real, tangible, physical level. When you actually read it, you can distinguish between different sentences of the book.

Each sentence makes a different impact on you though it may broadly feel the same. The minute difference in feeling the impact of each sentence, would get ignored, if we did not have the tangible senses of touch, sight and hearing which help you to read the book.


            The physical body also helps our soul experience negative emotions which it cannot experience in a non-physical body, on the celestial plane. It helps our soul in overcoming and transcending negative energies because it provides the medium by which the soul can visualize a life, where it is free of physical problems.


            For example, an illiterate woman I met was very troubled because of menstrual problems. She was not getting her periods for several months because of which blood clots had formed in her uterus. She was under medical treatment but to no avail. There are several subconscious reasons for menstrual problems such as a denial of one’s fertility or anger against men etc.

            While discussing, I told this girl to try to release her anger, which, of course, is not an overnight process. I did a regression with her in which we could release some negative thought forms of some spirit attachments in her who were feeling helpless. But, the menstrual cycle did not restart immediately. She wanted quick results and past life regression takes time before negative energy clusters dissolve in the body subconsciously. However, since she felt empowered, she was more willing to visualize and meditate on self healing.

            So, I asked her to stop focusing on the feeling that she is not getting her periods and instead shift focus on the positive feeling of how it would be if she was getting her periods., through using positive visualization before sleeping at night.


             To activate the energy cycle surrounding the positive feeling, I asked her to feel menstrual blood in her hands, when she gets up early in the morning. Within a week of doing this self-therapy, her lover found a medical practitioner who immediately helped her get her periods through a laser surgery to remove some kind of cysts in the uterus. H also paid for her surgery.

            Till the regression happened, she had not found a doctor who could diagnose her problem correctly. The visualization worked so quickly because through using her sense of touch, she could imagine the feel of blood in her hands. Regression helped her feel empowered in spirit while visualization helped her guide her physical signals to manifest a reality.Through self -healing, this illiterate woman could activate energies to manifest a reality which was beyond her reach earlier. People who understand the process by using their literate senses, heal several of their health problems through using past life regression and positive visualization in conjunction.

            The same technique has helped me guide people to cure themselves through addressing their subconscious mind in cases for which no medical cure was available. People have got cured of unidentifiable problems like infertility, hormonal disorders, sleep problems, diabetes, spondylitis, asthma, arthritis, joint pains, concentration problems, fears and phobias etc. The person feels empowered after therapy. The soul frequency rises as positive vibrations are deliberately activated as the person gets over feeling negative by choice .


            Experiencing a wide range of emotions through the physical body help the soul practice the art of creation extensively. This helps in its evolution as a part of the Creator.The physical body is very important for the young soul to learn the art of creation.

             A physical victory over a  negative situation is a plus score for the soul. The physical evidence of victory works as a score card in a game to test the number of wins and losses. The young soul wants to test every creation it makes before believing in it, and the physical medium facilitates this testing.

            At an advanced stage of evolution, once the soul knows what an experience feels like, the soul can experience any feeling without needing the physical body.


            From the soul’s perspective, the negative side-effect of using the physical body, for practicing the process of creation is that our soul may get too preoccupied with enjoying the body.


            If the soul gets too preoccupied with the physical body, our creative abilities will get limited to what can be experienced through the physical senses. Hence, we wouldnot seek to develop our mental and emotional faculties beyond that which can be accessed through the physical medium.

            The external pleasures would satisfy the body but not the soul which reads only the energies underlying activities.


            Therefore, by focusing on only satiating the body, the mind and soul may feel deprived of positive life-force and hence, devolve.

            The soul obsessed with the physical body, forgets its identity as an energy force, and hence does not move up the ladder of soul evolution for realizing happiness.

            This may be the reason why indulging in excessive physical pleasures like sex, drinking alcohol etc is deemed as sinful by most religions; because they offer short term relief from negativity. These addictions are like temporary mirages of what the real oasis feels like. But, it is the learning of soul lessons which leads to real happiness, at the soul level.


            However, usually, it is mostly the young soul which indulges too much in physical pleasures, since the young soul creates only through the physical medium. It is like a young child indulging excessively in play. As the child grows, it understands it has needs which only playing pretend games cannot satisfy. The adult needs a deeper experience of life than illusory games.

            Similarly, as the soul evolves, it seeks to create without using the physical medium, as in higher stages of evolution the physical body acts as a limiting factor. Just as a child who learns to color within the boundaries seeks to paint without the aid of limiting boundaries as it grows up, the soul seeks to create without the constraints of the physical dimension as it evolves.

            The advanced soul starts getting impatient on the physical plane as it appears too slow. It prefers feeling the ice-cream to actually eating it as feeling is a much faster process of experience than actually going through the act of eating. That is the stage when a soul seeks transcendence or salvationfrom lives on Earth, so that it can move onto higher dimensions of the universe.



Sunday, 14 May 2023

Reason For Unhappiness - the soul's perspective

 To be happy or healthy, the human brain seeks emotional gratification unlike the animal-like brain of the primitive man which was focused on survival needs of food & shelter.

The main reason for predominance of negative emotions is the pursuit of success over happiness which works on the false presumption that monetary success would automatically lead to happiness that is scientifically impossible as energies multiply by subconscious focus and not by traditionally imposed preaching .

Essentially, pursuit of external goals of success while neglecting inner needs of satisfaction, is the continuation of the primitive man’s thinking. Pure monetary success was the goal of the newly evolving primitive man who was focused on building shelter and security. However, just having a house or money does not satisfy an advanced human soul if the money earned/inherited is devoid of emotional energies that constitute love & contentment.

If we continue being money-minded and mechanical in thinking, problems would rise rapidly on the planet as has been happening in the past decade . Human evolution over centuries has been focused only on technological improvement with an ever-increasing craving for satisfaction due to a developmental approach that led to an increase in feelings of deprivation which was the opposite of energies of satisfaction sought. Acknowledgement of monetary success as being rewarding whether money was coming from stressed work, competition or crime encouraged short-cut methods to success which have led to lower satisfaction levels, and increase in criminal dis-satisfaction

Dissatisfaction has been growing rapidly as is evident from increasing terrorism, wars , rapes and theft .

It has become obvious that the creation of more money, power, fame, cars, mobiles, big houses, fancy clothes, jewelry, alcohol, helicopters, spaceships or weapons has not helped people in feeling calm or healthy in everyday life; because the targeted increase in satisfaction required acquiring the emotional management skills which lead to growth in energies of love, contentment, routine good health or happiness. While weapons of technology have been invested on, peacefulness has been neglected as a side-lined priority .

That energy which is focused upon multiplies. As a result of focus on competitive attack and self defense, instead of a focus on developing logical methods of sharing goods and services, glamour over truth and injustice over compassion, have been increasing while peace & harmony have been declining leading to growth of discontentment, violence & depression in human society in spite of huge technological success. 

This blog is an excerpt from the book - Spirituality in Education- Redefine Success As Rising Peace & Happiness

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

How being a murderer in a past life affects the present life - Examples

 Traumatic experiences or mis-deeds of past lives impact severely at a mental/emotional level in future lives, till you can free yourselves from the clutches of the negative energy of abuse.

A soul, who has been a murderer in a past life, may choose several methods to repay his karma and free himself of the feeling that s/he is BAD. I have found that people suffer from either or all of the following problems, if they have died feeling BAD about themselves in previous lives -

 I had a client who used to get extremely hurt if anyone called him a murderer or mad, even as a joke. On hearing the word, he suddenly felt like he was having a nervous breakdown with his body trembling, his blood pressure rising and his mind going into extreme panic. He could not complete his studies satisfactorily and had work performance problems because of his extreme anxious temperament. It was found after several regressions that he had a life as a serial killer.

The oppressor may be excessively scared of hurting other people’s feelings even minutely. For example. I had another client - a 65 year old man who had been a teacher. This man had many emotional problems, one of which was that he used to feel walked over by other people, from his childhood. He was very scared of retaliating as he had a fear that if he got angry, he would get extremely violent and kill somebody. 

We traced this fear to its root cause. It was found in the regression that he had been a slave boy some two thousand years ago. He had a bad relationship with his mother, who was abusive to him. One day when he was fourteen, she accused him of some misconduct. He had hit her in anger and she had died. 

Since then, that fear had haunted him. 

Subsequently, he had lived several lives, but always found himself being overpowered by some woman who came in the form of his wife or mother or his superior in some way. Even in his present life, he had the same soul as his mother, who was still extremely dominating and non-sympathetic. 

Due to the fear of repeating his sin of killing in anger, all this life, he had been extremely submissive to her, because of which he had felt walked over since childhood.

This man used to molest little girls whenever they became close to him because he was very afraid of big women. 

 The oppressor may also suffer from mental or The oppressor may also suffer from mental or physical diseases like asthma, depression, skin problems etc. till the negative energies are released completely.

Books and blogs:

How Past Lives Affect Our Prsent Life: Success Vs. Happiness - Purpose of the Soul: 5 (Soul's Perspective)


This blog is partly an excerpt from the book In Search Of Happiness - how past lives affect the present life , published in 2007.

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Energy Resonance Theory- Law Of Attraction


If there are seven billion people in the world, each one would have a
different point of focus, and hence a different perception of reality.
Reality for one would vary from what it is for another, because it is
not the external physical map which affects our perception of
reality, or impacts our internal feelings; but it is our existing internal
emotional state of mind which determines the kind of energy/information we take in from the external world.
In tune with the fact that our mind only picks up that information from the environment whose frequency matches with its own internal frequency, there is a law in the universe called the Law of
Attraction , which essentially states that ’like attracts like’. Several
books are available on the Law of Attraction.
The facts about life which we believe to be real form the basis of
our future beliefs and expectations, just as our past beliefs created
our present. Therefore, we have to be careful and aware of our present point of dominant focus of feelings to know how we would feel in the future.

law of attraction #reality#vibrationalfrequency#soul#awarenrss#

This excerpt is from the book - Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War; a soul perspective by Swati Shiv 

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Raise Your Positive Frequencies With RIsing Consciousness Of Planet Earth

 for further reading, please refer to the book _ CREATION OF HAPPINESS: Chapter 16- Changimg Consciusness Of The Planet Earth "

“You don’t need to strive for perfection to be perfect. Nobody can be perfect in a single, generally defined way because each one is perfect in his/her own unique way …  You only need to be aware that you are a part of a higher awareness….and the higher awareness knows how perfect you are, for the work you came for".




Ø  Explaining through an analogy

Ø  A Difficult Transition

Ø  The Day of Judgment

Ø  Concepts of Heaven and Hell from the Soul’s Perspective

Ø  Getting rescued from burning in hell for eternity







Due to some astronomical changes which take place every 75000 years, the frequencies on planet Earth are expected to undergo a change in the next few decades. Every 25000 years, the planet Earth goes through a shift on the astronomical plane. Every 75000 years, this shift is expected to be a major one, as is happening now.


 The recent earthquake in Japan (2011), in which land shifted by 8 meters, and there was supposedly a movement in the axis of Earth; is an example of the kind of changes we can expect in our geographical structure due to the Shift.


This Shift has been astronomically and astrologically predicted and is symbolized by THE NEW AGE.


In the New Age, beginning in 2012, Earth will revolve at a higher speed of vibration around its axis. Its frequency will rise, as it will move to a higher positive dimension of the universe. As mentioned in chapter four, right now the planet exists in the third dimension on the universal plane. In the year 2012, the planet would start graduating to a dimension which supports more positive frequencies, viz. the fourth dimension.


Due to the shifting of its axis, in correspondence with the New Age, Earth would have a different point of dominant focus and enter a new energy cycle, where it would still revolve around the Sun, but from a slightly higher plane. Earth would be able to resonate with more positive energies, on this higher plane of existence.


As the frequencies of the planet evolve, the overall physical and energy composition of the planet will undergo a change. Everything would adjust to align with a more positive frequency. All that which cannot align with a more blissful state of being, would be automatically dissolved.


Because of this shift in the overall energies of the planet, the mass human consciousness of the planet would also have to undergo a transformation, as thoughts of low frequency would no longer be supported by the planet.


With the coming of the NEW AGE, thought waves which are focused on generating predominantly positive feelings would resonate with the planet’s higher energy frequencies, whereas thought waves carrying negative feelings would not. That is because thought waves encompassing largely negative feelings vibrate at a low frequency. Hence, thoughts of negative frequencies would face rejection by the planet at a physical energy manifestation level.



Explaining through an analogy


Metaphorically, the planet Earth can be compared to a car picking up speed. When a car is standing, it collects a lot of dust. Negative energy is like dust. Dust gets thrown off as the car picks up speed. Similarly, negative energy accumulates in periods of stagnation but it cannot remain in periods of rapid change. It needs to get discarded to facilitate change.


Likewise, thought patterns which focus on negative feelings are slowing down human development today. For human development to pick up speed, either the negative thinkers need to leave the planet or they have to motivate themselves to think positive.


Souls which continue to have frequencies of third dimension while the planet shifts up to fourth dimension, would get thrown off the planet like energy dust. Only people with thoughts which focus on positive feelings would be able to remain on this planet.


From an energy perspective, this means that the planet would seek to throw off clusters of negative energy .Negative energy would fall off the planet since its speed of rotation would be so high that energies of low frequency which are usually stuck or slow moving would get swept off; as towns have been getting swept off in the Tsunami floods.


The shift of energy may result in a large-scale eradication of human species, which is focused on the negative aspects of life. Diseases, epidemics, accidents, natural and man-made calamities like wars etc. would aid the planet in extinguishing energies which are no longer needed for evolution.





A Difficult Transition


As a consequence of the physical energy shifts, the transition to the fourth dimension may be difficult for the human race. Right now, human beings have a consciousness whose energy frequency matches the third dimensional energy frequency of Earth.


Individual consciousness is largely focused on negative feelings in the third dimension; and hence, the soul energy in each body vibrates at a low frequency.


Now, the planet will exist in the fourth dimension. To rise up with the planet, human beings have to consciously raise their energy frequency, from predominantly negative to predominantly positive.


An energy shift in the body ensures that the soul is able to receive life force from its Higher Self and is able to radiate it out for creating more light/happiness by revolving at a high positive frequency.

To rise up with the planet, the soul frequency needs to vibrate at a speed, which is in resonance with the rise in the vibrational frequency of the planet, as a whole.


Intellectually, this entails letting go of the habit of focusing on negative energies which block creation, and developing a higher level of awareness of what is being created through our focus.


At a physical energy manifestation level, the transition required virtually, necessitates shifting the axis of our thoughts, in resonance with the shifting of Earth’s axis.


This change in human frequency cannot occur automatically, because the energy frequency of a body can change only when the person inhabiting the body changes her/his thoughts, willingly at a conscious level. The change to feeling positive from within cannot be enforced. It requires a change of heart towards believing in a positive world, and allowing positive soul force to function optimally by opening the chakras or energy centres of the body. The shift to positivity cannot come about by a sole belief on  science or a blind belief in religion. The external world of science needs to be balanced with the internal world of the soul so that the soul can create through using the scientific , physical world as a medium.


Souls, on Earth, can raise their consciousness and vibrations to higher frequencies, if they are ready to deliberately shift their focus to feeling positive, through disciplining their minds to not worry about the negative.

The test of whether we feel positive, internally, or not is the increase in the flow of positive hormones in the body, compared to when we did not use positive visualization or meditation to feel better. Even if our mental conflicts rise or our health deteriorates before becoming better, we should feel mentally more at peace if we are focusing on positive energy of happiness, than on negative energies of worry or gloom.

When we shift focus to feeling happy from within, we think differently. We no longer need to fool ourselves by compromising to an external definition of happiness without feeling calm from within. If we are internally positive, we should feel positively expectant about life. The resulting positive energy should make us feel happier and healthier than we did before shifting focus to the positive.


To internally focus on staying positive, we would have to learn to make our decisions in life expecting positive outcomes and not make choices, out of to fear of negative outcomes.


After the transition, to the NEW AGE, love and compassion are expected to become the driving source in all human interactions, in place of the existing driving forces of fear and competition.


The choice to raise or not to raise its consciousness lies with each soul. Those souls which cannot raise their consciousness and continue to engage in thought patterns which focus on negative feelings, violence or suffering, may no longer be able to survive on this planet.


Though most human beings choose to focus on rational, conventional modes of thinking and operation, it cannot be denied that human science has not been able to explain how we choose to die. The moment of death is a pure soul decision be it by an illness, an accident, a flood or a war . Even if we insist that we cannot give up feeling negative because of a forecast that we would die, we cannot be sure that we won’t.


 The creation of floods, famines or earthquakes has up till now been unexplainable except in terms of geographical changes. Nobody has been able to control the geographical upheavals which have lead to human calamities, because the science of energy phenomenon has not been explored or researched in depth.


In the chapters ahead, we would study a bit about how human energies cluster to create famines, earthquakes, floods and wars ; and how these calamities aid our planet in dissolving excess negativity and restoring its energy balance between the negative and positive.



The Day of Judgment


 The time on Earth, now is close to the so-called Second coming of Jesus Christ which has been forecasted.  There is supposed to be a Day of Judgment, accompanying the end of the present age on Earth, on which it would be decided which souls would go to heaven and which to hell.


However, contrary to the simplistic religious interpretation of the Day of Judgment, from the soul’s perspective,  which reads only energies/ feelings behind  phenomenon, there is not supposed to be a single day in which humans will stand in a line and God will decide on who should go to heaven and who to hell


Going to Heaven or Hell is an outcome of a learning process in which advanced souls are expected to help human beings evolve to higher levels of consciousness. But, though an advanced soul, like God, can guide us on how to choose brightness and happiness as ways of life instead of worry and gloom;  the final choice of whether to enter heaven or hell lies with each individual soul, as it always has.


 In successive moments of crisis, if we choose the path towards happiness, from our soul’s perspective, we enter heaven because then, we would die satisfied at the moment of death. The spirit feels positive while leaving our body when we die feeling satisfied. If the spirit feels positive, it would reach the positive dimensions of heaven.


But, if we have regrets at the moment of death, because of the choices we have made in our life, we would die feeling negative. If we feel negative or sad or unhappy at the moment of death, we may not be able to connect to the positive dimensions of the Light. So, as spirits feeling negative, we may enter a dimension which would support our negative frequencies. Negative frequencies are supported in dimensions like hell.


The choice to feel positive or negative while choosing paths in life is ours, but where those choices lead us to reach, as souls, becomes a mechanical process of matching energy frequencies.


The Day of Judgment holds at a feeling level from the soul’s perspective. There would come a moment in each of our lives where we would have to choose between the path which would lead us to feel content from within, as souls and the path which would seem practical from a financial perspective , but may not lead to what we desire to achieve, as souls.


If we choose the path which appears financially realistic at the present moment, but demands that we leave our happiness or our ideals of a positive life, in the process, then we may choose against God.


Only the path which makes us feel peaceful from within and helps our soul evolve to a higher positive frequency, would take us closer to the ideology or frequency of God or heaven. It does not matter what actions we take to feel peaceful, and whether those actions are conventionally rational or irrational ; all that matters in evolution is that we, as energy beings ,  raise our frequency to match the positive energy of the dimensions of heaven.


If our positive frequency is rising, it means that we are successfully passing our soul tests and moving towards achieving our soul’s purpose of incarnation. In the process of graduating as souls, we learn the art of mastering consciousness to create happiness in our lives while on Earth.


Usually, if we choose the path which helps us uphold our positive ideology in the present moment in the hope that it would lead us to happiness in the future, we take a leap of faith. When we take a leap of faith, we surrender to God as we tread on a path which seems blind, trusting that God would help us. When we trust that God would help us, we align with the thinking of God and allow miracles or unexpected manifestations, to happen in our lives, in alignment with our dominant point of focus.


Whether we finally achieve our financial goals of success or not, on this path which leads to our happiness, we would still feel happier from within, than we would by choosing a path, where we compromise out of fear that God would not be able to help us. The moment we compromise on the belief that God cannot help, we lose trust in God and move further away from the way of working of the Creator. That lowers our frequencies as we become negative. The fear in us does not match in energy frequency with the positive faith of being like God. The mis-match of energy between our thinking and God’s thinking, prevents the positive frequencies of God from helping us.


Subsequently, we enter a negative energy cycle. Hence, though we may keep succeeding at the external levels, our belief in God or happiness or goodness keeps falling further. As a result, we cannot achieve happiness inspite of all the financial wealth we amass, because we feel that our life is based on a compromise.


The continuous focus on the negative leads us to die feeling negative. The thought a spirit dies with remains in his energy, and influences his release to the celestial zones. This negative thought has to be transcended into positive to facilitate the transition of the spirit, from the Earth plane to a spiritually positive dimension. When the spirit’s energy is clear and detached, it raises its frequency at the point of leaving the body and can reach the dimensions of positivity, like heaven. (For more details on the concept of Spirit Release, please read the book - In Search Of Happiness - how past lives affect the present, a soul’s perspective)


As spirits, we face a black door or a Sun-like bright energy when we die, as is often seen in past life regressions. Feeling negative causes us to reject God or the bright Light which calls us with love. We do not feel loved when we feel compromised and hence, cannot receive the energy of love or light. By dying feeling sad or defeated, we, subconsciously, accept blackness or hang in between heaven and hell.


 Whether we go to hell or choose to hang in between, our soul devolves. When our soul reincarnates, in another body, we are born feeling negative. At an energy transmission level, we affect our future incarnations, negatively because we keep living at a point energetically frozen with doubt in our minds. Energy does not dissolve automatically, like the body does. It has to be transcended into positive with conscious mind control.


As spirits who die feeling alienated from Light at the point of death, we are not sure about the existence of God and we spread those thoughts as ripples of energy along the same focus point.


Our negative energy affects any soul energy which matches us in frequency. So, by dying negative and not reaching the Light, we affect the souls who are alive and feel negative by making their traumas worse.

However, after 2012, with the changing frequencies of the planet, we would no longer be able to hang in between heaven and hell as spirits.

In the New Age, spirits would have to depart to their original dimensions where they came from or devolve to a lower dimension, like the animal kingdoms, so that they cannot lower Earth’s frequencies by sending out negative transmissions.

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