Saturday, 29 January 2022

Earth is a school for soul lessons

 Earth is considered a school from the soul’s perspective. Souls come to Earth to have a practical hand on experience of the physical dimension in all its aspects, including encountering negative energies. The intensity of negativity as can be felt on Earth is considered a school from the soul’s perspective. Souls come to Earth to have a practical hand on experience of the physical dimension in all its aspects, including encountering negative energies. The intensity of negativity as can be felt on Earth is considered a school from the soul’s perspective. Souls come to Earth to have aOn Earth, difficulties are artificially created through time and space limitations, so that our soul may evolve its consciousness while overcoming them.

Time and space limitations help our soul build patience, focus, a logical mind and sequential thinking.

From the perspective of the soul, the training on Earth is necessary to learn how to mobilize energies accurately for the purpose of more complex creation in the universe. At higher levels, of evolution, we merge with our Higher selves and move on to creating planets and galaxies and life forms in them.

On Earth, negative energies travel with positive energy waves. These negative energies are felt as thoughts which block the flow of positive thoughts.

Whenever we focus on positive manifestations,along with negative thoughts come as distractions, and prevent the positive from manifesting. Positive creation manifests when one trains the mind to accurately concentrate only on experiencing the positive desire without getting overtaken by negative belief systems or seemingly insurmountable practical hand on experience of the physical dimension in all its aspects, including encountering negative energies. The intensity of negativity as can be felt on Earth cannot be experienced on the celestial plane, which is a high frequency dimension.While taking action to realize your life purpose, you have to help the energies of Earth be more balanced and positive. If the energies and people of Earth become more internally positive by your contribution, you are on the life path that you chose for yourself. You have lost your life path if you or the people of Earth are becoming more negative by your contribution. The challenges on Earth are structured around concepts of time and space.

On the celestial plane, there is no concept of time or space. The soul can be in any place in an instant, depending on its speed of thought.

Simultaneously, it can be everywhere at the samet ime, because at pure energy level, there is no division of space.

There is no need to wait for a thought to be converted into a physical, tangible experience, since feelings are as real as touching. Consequently, the soul has no concept of physical difficulties until it incarnates in this space of Earth. 

On Earth, difficulties are artificially created through time and space limitations, so that our soul may 

evolve its consciousness while overcoming them.

Time and space limitations help our soul build patience, focus, a logical mind and sequential thinking.

From the perspective of the soul, the training on Earth is necessary to learn how to mobilize energies accurately for the purpose of more complex creation in the universe. At higher levels, of evolution, we merge with our Higher selves and move on to creating planets and galaxies and life forms in them.On Earth, negative energies travel with positive energy waves. These negative energies are felt ast houghts which block the flow of positive thoughts.

Saturday, 22 January 2022

Happiness Requires alignment of the needs ofMind- Body-Soul


Happiness can arrive and rise only when you understand the reason for incarnation.. and not discard it as an unnecessary obstacle to success or money.


I, as a soul in a human body, am a co-creator of my universe 

I realise that I, as the soul, exist in an infinite realm of timelessness. It is 

only my finite human body, which is limited by zones of time and space, but the 

energy, the life-force, which drives me, remains eternally.

There is no limit to the number of human bodies which I, as a soul can 

choose to inhabit to attain my soul purpose.

I, as the Co-creator, seek to increase the brightness of the Creator by 

accentuating my positive light through transcending negative energy into 

positive energy while overcoming difficulties

I brighten the light of the SUN by overcoming darkness within me. 

I desire victory for God, as I, as the soul is a ray of the light of God.

God represents the light of love, happiness and abundance. I brighten the 

light of God by feeling happy, bright and radiant, as a reflection of God.

Victory for the soul is to be happy during difficulties, so that the energy of 

happiness rules over-time, as an expression of positive dimensions ruling over negative dimensions.

The core war of energies is between light and darkness, represented by Love and Fear… God represents love for all. Devil represents fear for all.

I understand that the whole process of evolution is that of mastering consciousness to love more than fear

Excerpt from book - How To Be Happy In DIFFICULTIES


Friday, 14 January 2022

Conditioning of Sadness ftom childhood

 Happiness is determined by feelings which are the body’s internal response to external situations. You feel sad if you are used to feeling sad in a given situation even if there is no need of feeling sad given the change in context over life.

 For example, if a child is slapped by an adult, he would feel sad as he is hurt and too small to respond. But, if an adult is slapped by another adult, the adult does not need to feel hurt/suppressed by physical abuse. The automatic internal response of feeling suppressed by a slap or verbal abuse can be redirected to a more self-empowering, rational response with awareness. 

For example, with self-confidence, the adult can walk away in anger by assuming that the abuser is a devolved soul or ignore the abuser as a negative, irrelevant entity or slap back to revert back energy exchange or give advice on being peaceful or meditate in a positive vibration when alone, to transmute the negative energy received into positive.Feeling small is not required as a response in adulthood but it is an automatically created response by the subconscious mind which is not trained in meditation.

Meditation neutralizes negative energy inside you such that your own frequency rises and you mentally move away from people who make you sad by choosing detachment.

Schools need to be careful as education needs to train children into positive thinking.

For further reading, please refer to the book - A COURSE IN EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT, a soul's perspective .


7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...