Monday, 4 October 2021

Honest Vs. Self Aware/ Self Conscious Person

 Honesty vs. Self awareness  

An honest person defines honesty by criterion of society. For example, several people call themselves honest in offce  but have casual sex or impose themselves on staff . Several honest people are abusive to their family members and to employees . Several honest people lose their anger and become sarcastic or  violent in disagreement with others . Several honest people cheat on wives or husbands or children and insult them often just to feel superior. If another soul feels betrayed by you or suffocated by your presence even if you are honest in your office work, your overall vibration will be affected . Your soul will be postive or negative  depending on the energy radiation of your soul by your honesty in office vs. your stifling of your wife's freedom.

A higher negative soul vibration disqualifies karmic redemption.Any negative vibration created by action or compromise  is dishonesty to God. If you have several health problems, it means you are dishonest as a soul to your own self as health problems arise due to negativity ignored or suppressed by the reptilian mind . This denial of honest self needs ,will qualify as dishonesty even if you are honest at work . If you take alcohol , drugs or prostitutes, you will again be dishonest to self as you self harm your positivity for short term escape as addictions or prostitution harm health in the long term.

A self conscious / Self aware person will choose his or her actions based on honesty as defined by God i.e by feelings of being karmically correct or wrong . For example,if you and others feel more positive by your actions in the long term, then you are being honest to your soul and to God but if you feel compromised and make others feel negative in the long run, you are being dishonest to your soul and to God.

Soul# god# honesty# dishonesty# positive #

www. shivaswati. com

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