Thursday, 14 October 2021

Understanding the Subconscious Soul Desire While Taking Action


To find exactly what it is, that our soul desires, we need to focus on the feeling, which we are seeking to satisfy, through an action.

To satisfy a soul desire,  it is necessary to learn to read the energy behind a form, than  just pursue the externally offered package.

Awareness of-Intention - Action - Consequence:

There is a feeling which we seek to satisfy through indulging in any action.

This feeling is called the intention behind an act.

Usually, a disparity exists between our intention, action and its consequence which is the main cause of stress, and negativity, in our lives.

This means that after the act is done, we realize that the consequence was not that which we had desired/intended initially.

Hence , even if we succeed, we continue to feel stressed and negative after a temporary feeling of euphoria.

For example, a person may work very hard to keep his family happy, but in the process may lose emotional contact with his family members andeventually may get separated from the family itself. If he had taken some time off and focused on his core desire, and whether or not his actions were leading to the desired outcome, he may have chosen a more congruent method to keep his family happy.

Whenever we feel helpless or victimized deep within, while pursuing a path, even if we are okay with the compromise, it is not the path for the soul. 

Since, the soul is a part of the Creator , we should always feel like a Creator on the path of the soul, not as a victim of circumstances.

A life is meant to help the soul evolve, but a life focused on satisfying short-term goals, which spread more negative energy than positive, may lead to weakening of the soul.

For example, some people feel in control when they hit others. Dev, the lead character in the book, ‘In Search Of Happiness; the soul’s perspective’, often did so. He often indulged in aggressive behavior to release the tension in his mind. It gave him short-term relief. But, during therapy, when he looked deeper in his mind, he realized that this act was causing him greater stress than relief. It was an act, which he was compulsively drawn into like a drug, and the more he indulged in it, the more he craved for it, and the more his stress increased at the soul level.

He was surprised to find that, internally, he was not getting the emotional satisfaction he was seeking by hitting other people. His soul did not desire a path of violence, but his conscious mind thought that it did.

At the conscious level, the feeling he was seeking to satisfy was a need to feel powerful because he had a deep inner urge to feel powerful. But, in his pursuit of power, he missed out on why the soul craved power 

The soul craved for a feeling of power because that gave him the strength to fight against injustice. Fighting against injustice was his core soul mission.

So, a conflict arose when Dev chose a method of pursuit of power by hitting others. He wanted to feel powerful like soldiers do. Hitting other people and defeating them is a historically accepted conventional method of seeking power.

But this conventional method which he came upon by following mass Earth thought was not the method which satisfied his soul needs. The soul’s very purpose of seeking power was defeated by the method chosen by his conscious mind to gain power.

It created negative vibrations within him which harmed his soul energies. 

The feeling of power that he got by defeating weaker people was 

accompanied by a feeling of emptiness and desperation.

So, Dev was never able to achieve the emotional satisfaction he was 

seeking whatever he did since all his actions were based on the belief that hitting others makes one powerful. He never found the kind of power the soul sought because his whole thought pattern went against the soul’s purpose.

There was constant disharmony between the needs of the soul and the method his conscious mind chose to satisfy that need. To find the feeling of inner satisfaction that he desired, he needed to reflect on the method he was choosing to meet his innermost desires. At a conscious level what he thought was an appropriate means of fulfilling his desires was not so at the soul level.

Like Dev, we do not focus on the fact that it is the method of pursuit which is important and not the goal by itself. In our pursuit of a goal, we choose to ignore the warning, which our subconscious mind often gives us that even after attaining this goal we may not get the emotional satisfaction we desired while pursuing this goal.

The intention, action and consequence need to be synchronized.

To resolve this core problem of the disparity between intention, action and consequence which causes a person to indulge in negative feelings, we need to realize that when we seek to satisfy an inner urge, we need to be clear first that the method we use does satisfy that urge.

We also need to acknowledge that, usually, the conventional methods we choose to use, which are influenced by mass thought, do not satisfy the soul urge. As explained earlier in this book, mass thought, today, is predominantly negative, and any action which is based on blindly following mass thinking can only create more negative energies.

If the person focuses on feeling the harmony in his energies, while making choices in life, and chooses only that act which gives him a positive feeling, then he is on the path the soul desires from this life experience. 

In this process, temporary difficulties may arise, but this choice will lead to greater material and emotional satisfaction in the long run. 

Excerpt from chapter 19- Creation Of Happiness: The EnergyWar, a soul's perspective


Past life therapy with soul healing , energy balancing and spirit release is an excellent ethid of finding the soul path of happiness as decided before incarnation. 

Monday, 4 October 2021

Honest Vs. Self Aware/ Self Conscious Person

 Honesty vs. Self awareness  

An honest person defines honesty by criterion of society. For example, several people call themselves honest in offce  but have casual sex or impose themselves on staff . Several honest people are abusive to their family members and to employees . Several honest people lose their anger and become sarcastic or  violent in disagreement with others . Several honest people cheat on wives or husbands or children and insult them often just to feel superior. If another soul feels betrayed by you or suffocated by your presence even if you are honest in your office work, your overall vibration will be affected . Your soul will be postive or negative  depending on the energy radiation of your soul by your honesty in office vs. your stifling of your wife's freedom.

A higher negative soul vibration disqualifies karmic redemption.Any negative vibration created by action or compromise  is dishonesty to God. If you have several health problems, it means you are dishonest as a soul to your own self as health problems arise due to negativity ignored or suppressed by the reptilian mind . This denial of honest self needs ,will qualify as dishonesty even if you are honest at work . If you take alcohol , drugs or prostitutes, you will again be dishonest to self as you self harm your positivity for short term escape as addictions or prostitution harm health in the long term.

A self conscious / Self aware person will choose his or her actions based on honesty as defined by God i.e by feelings of being karmically correct or wrong . For example,if you and others feel more positive by your actions in the long term, then you are being honest to your soul and to God but if you feel compromised and make others feel negative in the long run, you are being dishonest to your soul and to God.

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