Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Emotional Management is As Important As Financial Management For Happiness

 Energy Management To align body, mind and soul is as necessary to be happy and 

healthy as financial management is to be wealthy.

Though most people are unaware of the deep impact of emotions on health, the 

truth is that negative emotions release energies through hormonal & electric 

impulses in the body which act like poisonous acid in the body that creates 

diseases, fears & anxieties.

At the core cycle of creation through which the soul participates as a co-creator of 

reality , the soul releases emotions by feeling energies that range in frequencies 

from a variety of positive ,zero and negative experiences.

This core energy of an emotion is emitted vibrationally as an outgoing breath by 

the body, an electric impulse by the soul and the release of a hormone by the 

subconscious mind within the body .

The energy of an emotion can be positive or negative in frequency. This happy 

(positive) or sad (negative) energy passes to different parts of the body through 

neuro-pathways called as neurological energy circuits.

The energy of each soul that passes into the world as a breath of a negative or 

positive frequency , is also emitted as a thought of a specific feeling which has a 

unique vibration . This vibration underlying a feeling, be it positive or 

negative, influences the energy of overall thinking patterns in individual and mass 


When unchecked and allowed to grow, negative emotions in the body multiply like 

weeds in a garden and disrupt smooth functioning of the respective health organs 

along with corrupting overall mind functioning.

For further reading, please refer to the book : A COURSE IN EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT 

Saturday, 13 March 2021



To move from being sad to being happy, it is necessary to dis-organize a previous negatively established life-balance and reset the mind tuning to update new beliefs about what success should mean such that it improves health, peace and positivity in everyday life.



Learn How to Control your SWITCH


Each intense emotional situation triggers on a SWITCH in your subconscious mind which rekindles all previous experiences of the same emotion. For example, each time you feel abused, the energy of hurt gets stored in the subconscious mind as a negative emotional memory and reduces positive energy of the body.  Subsequently, whenever you encounter abuse, all previous memories of being hurt would awaken and impact your overall level of sadness. Similarly, each time you feel happy or encouraged, all previous memories of being loved awaken. Feeling loved makes, you optimistic; the emotional memory of a positive vibration gets stored in the subconscious mind and improves your feelings of well-being.

Your SWITCH of feeling happy or sad is in your own control, as much as your feelings are in your own control.

You can choose to focus on good aspects of your life and feel good to create positive vibrations, by learning to control your self-talk and feelings with patience.

If you tell yourself “Life is good”, with belief, repeatedly, the energy vibration of the emotions improves your health as feeing good releases positive hormones in the body. Each time you tell ourselves ‘Life is bad’, you feel more sick and depressed. As explained in detail in my book ‘How to Be Happy in Difficulties ‘, there are energy circuits or neuron-pathways, running in the mind carrying energies of the dominant feelings we focus on.

Any event which has a strong emotional impact becomes a dominant feeling. This feeling acts as a point of internal dominant focus (IDF) and starts forming an energy circuit around itself wherein it keeps repeating itself again and again. After some time, this energy circuit may get suppressed, as your point of dominant focus shifts to another event.

However, a strong emotional experience releases greater negativity and gets imprinted in the subconscious mind, more deeply. This suppressed negative energy reserve gets awakened each time, a similar emotional experience occurs even when the new emotional experience is much milder in intensity than the original one. This negative energy circuit which got strongly imprinted, remains in the mind and keeps attracting energies of similar nature at a subtle level. Whenever you experience similar kinds of emotions, they also get accumulated in the same energy circuit, thus making it even stronger. (An example of how past lives affect IDF, is given in Appendix 1)

The negative emotional memories of past traumas in the subconscious mind get stored as energy files of digital data. Each emotional memory gets stored in separate files of energy units.  Electric impulses which match in frequency get accumulated and create energies of depression/disease in the body which are not in conscious control of the person.

The data base has to be accessed subconsciously and the energy frequency changed with therapy and meditation towards neutralizing the negative. These energy formations do not break till you make a conscious attempt to break them, by processing out the negative energy accumulated in your mind.

Deep Energy healing which also aims at emotional healing clears the negative energies of the mental, emotional and etheric body and connects your inner self to your astral and spiritual bodies. Integration of bodies leads to alignment of soul, body and mind so that you can make choices while integrating your life purpose. Healing of the soul bodies and reconnecting with the spiritual self creates positivity in mind and release positive hormones in the body as a state of being in peace with life’s choices is attained. Feeling in peace prevents diseases and minimizes need for medicines or surgery.

 Though you may need deep energy healing through past life therapy and inner child healing , the following exercise can be tried at home for self-healing and beginning your journey to self actualization.

Self-Healing Tip- The SWITCH between a positive and meditative state of mind is a zero-frequency state of mind. A ZERO /GAP state of mind is said to physically exist at the center of your moustache area which is the place between the two nostrils, above the lips.

If you maintain focus at this point, for about thirty seconds, you will attain a ZERO state of mind or a detached state of mind. Activating this silence zone will create energy shifts in your body. This space of neutrality is activated by sparing time to focus upon it on a daily basis once or several times a day.

As you keep focusing on the space above your lips, try to feel the breath coming in, going into your stomach and coming from your stomach, to your nostrils and out. Feel the connection between the breath and your stomach moving in and out as you inhale and exhale. Be aware that your body is responding to the breathing.

Getting an awareness of the connection between your stomach and your nose will take some time but as you get an awareness, you will feel more relaxed and more in control of your life.

For further reading and exercises , please refer to the book :

 - A Course In Emotional Management ( Moving Towards Happiness In Steps )

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Failure Works As A Soul Lesson When Mistakes Are Erased & Rewritten On Correct Path Of The Soul


Failure works as a learning lesson for the soul. To learn from failure, you have to accept that you have failed, not feel sad about failing, and then use failure as feedback on how to improvise your actions, behavior or thinking to get the desired happiness in the next attempt.  Usually, your happiness would rise after having failed and improvised than succeeding in the first attempt; because, through failure, you also redefine what you desire from an event.

If you can use failure as feedback to change your thinking program, you would have a different subconscious programming which says “” FAILURE IS FEEDBACK “.

Failure is self-rebuke” is a negative mind-set whereas “Failure is Feedback” is a positive mind-set. When you use failure as feedback, you improvise, using your positive energies whereas when you use failure to be sad, you dip in depressed/negative vibrations in other areas of our life, as well.

Thus, your mind is conditioned with other people’s learned beliefs and can be deconditioned and reprogrammed by developing an awareness of what you believe to be true, irrespective of popular culture...Popularity does not necessarily lead to happiness or good health but developing awareness of what makes you internally happy and changing your choices accordingly, always improves happiness and good health.


Just as a toddler learns to walk in balance after falling down several times, failure helps to review the mind’s strategy in progress. Accepting failure leads to inner change, deletion of an old, redundant program like a belief or ambition which no longer creates the happiness desired and installation of a new thinking pattern to get the desired balance.



Treating Failure as Feedback deliberately is necessary to change your everyday mind-set from negative to positive. Healing the soul is more important to remain healthy and happy than any miracle healing. Miracles help only if they change your vibration from doubt to belief, but subsequently, you have to change your everyday choices of thinking to positive to remain in alignment with God’s positive vibrations. No miracle healing helps you find happiness. It only solves one problem, but another problem crops up. Your life cannot be peaceful unless your inner mindset changes to positive, such that you accept that difficulties are a part of life and realize that diseases, depressions and deprivations can be cured through making positive changes in your subconscious thinking pattern.

This course is an excerpt frim the book - A Course In Emotional Energy Management ( Integrating Mind, Body and Soul's Needs )


7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...