Saturday, 25 July 2020

Parallel Lifetimes From The Same Higher Self

In case of parallel lives, the same soul splits into two parts or even more. 

The soul is made up of energy. When it splits, the quality of energy remains the same in each soul. It is like when a torch beam passes through a hard wooden chair, it splits into two parts but the quality of light remains the same; though the power of each split beam may be lesser than that of the ONE whole beam of light.

As explained in my books, a single soul is like a ray of light coming from a bigger unit of power called the Higher Self. The Higher Self is like the SUN. It has several rays. Hence, the same soul energy can incarnate in several bodies at the same time if that suits its purpose of evolution.
 Practically, parallel lives means that two persons would have a similar energy frequency, and hence would have similar temperaments, similar body built`, similar fears etc. but would be facing individual challenges from a different set of circumstances.

The Higher Self 
You need to stay connected to your higher self while making choices on Earth so that you meet your life purpose, find satisfaction, develop a positive IDF ( internal dominant focus ) and realize the destiny planned for your won soul and do not get trapped in a generalized definition of success.
The soul energy within a human being is a part of a bigger soul group, called ‘The Higher Self’. The Higher Self is a more powerful quantum of energy of the Creator, than the individual body.
If we compare the Creator’s consciousness to that of a human body, then the Higher Self would be an organ’s consciousness like the liver’s consciousness or the heart’s consciousness; and the individual human body would be the cell of the organ.
When the soul takes birth in a body, its life force energy comes from this bigger whole viz. the Higher Self. Like a ray radiates from the Sun, the spirit radiates from its Higher Self.
The Higher Self exists in a high spiritual dimension in the realm of pure positive frequencies. It is always in communion with the Creator, as it is a bigger unit of the ONENESS than is the little soul cell in the body.

The Higher Self’s energy is an important part of a person’s total personality, as it is who the soul is. It is the true identity of the soul.

The soul gets its directions of how to evolve from its Higher Self.
The soul’s plan of a life-time is made in accordance with the purpose of evolution of the Higher Self. When we evolve, the life force our Higher Self brightens in light, its vibrational frequency becomes more positive and it becomes more powerful.

Practically, this means that the Higher Self decides what our priorities and ambitions in life would be, and the challenges we would have to overcome while pursuing our goals on Earth.
The Higher Self keeps guiding the soul through its life-time on Earth by way of mobilization of the soul’s energy towards specific directions over others, through using the subconscious mind as a control mechanism of the body.
When we get pulled towards certain professions without any rational reason, or fall in love with certain people and not others, it is the Higher Self moving our energies to achieve its goals of evolution.
The Higher Self also has complete knowledge of the person’s past lives, and makes life-plans which take into account lessons of evolution left over from past lives, which need to be mastered in the present life.
Just as, at birth, a soul comes from its Higher Self into a body, upon death, the soul rejoins its Higher Self back in the Light.
However, if the person dies in pain, it cannot join its Higher Self, back in the celestial plane, as it is supposed to.
This happens because if the soul dies feeling negative, it cannot raise its energy frequency again to match the high positive frequency of the Higher Self. It remains stuck as a spirit or soul fragment on Earth and keeps feeling negative over and over again.

Then, the Higher Self intervenes to bring the stuck soul-fragment back home. Each new life-plan which the Higher Self makes, for a reincarnating soul, aims to integrate lost soul fragments so as to help its overall soul consciousness evolve to a higher positive frequency than before.
Though we are meant to be supervised by our Higher Selves on Earth, as puppets attached to a higher intelligence form, the free will of making the final choices on which way to go in life always remains with us.

The Higher self-guides us but does not control us. It is like the parent who guides his child without ruling over. It is supportive and loving, but allows the soul to develop its own intelligence, in order to evolve.
Thus, when we blame God or our Higher Self for things going wrong in our lives, we are not completely justified.
The Higher Power does push us instinctively towards certain direction over others but it cannot control us and it cannot prevent us from falling in the well if we choose to jump.
That is because we are essentially energies and we cannot be forced to move in some direction over others, just as flowing water cannot be forced to flow as ordered. It can only be directed.
The water flows automatically wherever there is place created for it to flow by removing blocks in its free flow.

Similarly, our soul energy flows whenever there is an energy pull. Negative feelings come as doubts and have to be removed so that energy can flow freely to the destination it wants to reach.
The life-plan is made so that we are convinced to choose the positive ways of thinking over negative because we cannot be forcibly bound, being energies.
Our soul energy is directed by our circumstances towards making choices which make us happy. But, the realization of what constitutes happiness comes overtime as we understand cause and effect equations, from the soul’s perspective.

For further reading, please refer to my book : IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS ( How Past lives affect The Present Life . a soul's perspective

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Minimizing Stress is Essential To Manifest Happiness

Stress is a negative energy. Happiness is a positive energy. When we take action in the physical world, we combine stress with happiness. The joy we get from doing any work is its happiness component. The discomfort we undertake while performing the work is its stress component.
Any activity requires both happiness and stress component in the physical world. There can be no work done if we totally focus on happiness or bliss as that is a spirit dimension of existence.
Earth is a physical dimension where negative and positive energies interact to form physical matter. The celestial dimensions are spirit dimensions where positive energy predominates matter. Positive ions are more spread out than negative ions. To form physical matter, air has to turn into solid. Likewise, spirit has to conform to a body. Body is physical matter. Spirit is like air.  The spirit has to lower its positive frequency to come in physical body.

 While staying in physical body alive, the spirit cannot be as positive as it would be in celestial dimension because physical body is dense. Density requires atoms and molecules to move close to each other which requires magnetism. Magnetism is created by negative thought.

We cannot be completely free of negative thought while staying alive in a body. If we want to be free of negative feelings totally, we have to evolve to being content in a spirit body which stays in high frequency, spirit dimensions where movement of ions is freer and more spaced out.

As the spirit, we do not need food, clothes or cars. Hence, if we want to be like spirits and in complete bliss, we have to also give up desire for physical comforts like saints do.
The job we do, be it drinking water or manufacturing films, creates feelings in us. We feel content and satisfied after drinking water or making a film. The contentment level rises or falls but the feeling essentially remains the same. The energy of contentment varies and makes the experience different for the soul.

If the level if positive contentment is greater than the discomfort endured in doing it, the action leads to creation of happiness. If the discomfort is greater than the joy produced while doing the act, the stress level increases.

We have to ensure that the JOY component of the work being done always remains higher than the DISCOMFORT component for the activity to yield happiness in our lives.
If we allow negative energy of stress to become greater than the positive energy of contentment/happiness, we would lose satisfaction with our own selves and devolve as souls.

For further reading , please refer to the book  "A Course In Emotional Management " -

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Negative Side Effects OF Present Education System

Negative Side Effects of the Present Education System

The education system of today glorifies success over happiness; leading to a complex situation wherein people try to be successful to be happy; but do not attain the happiness they seek from their efforts through being successful and hence, become disillusioned overtime, leading to increasing depressions and violence in societies.

As long as success is pursued blindly by promoting competition in childhood, it justifies increasing of happiness in self by reducing happiness of others; thus justifying corruption and promotion of inequalities amongst adults.

Anger and negative feelings amongst those defeated rise and the energy of jealousy/unhappiness spreads and dilutes the positive efforts of the successful; because all human energy is connected. Jealousy, wars and manipulations which ravage the defeated minds, often create more harm than the good effects created by success.

To understand why success has become important over happiness, we need to understand how education evolved from a need of survival carried over from our animal ancestors.

Evolution of Education - From Animal Mindset to a Human Mindset

Education represents the development of human life over animal life, and is the most important factor which distinguishes human beings from animals.

Animals often feel helpless against circumstances because their brain is less developed, unlike the human brain. Animals cannot grow resources as they live only in the present moment and have no future visions, no ability to abstract words from pictures or analyze in logical or abstract steps. Animals cannot reason about the WHYs or think of the HOWs.  Since, animals cannot read or write or imagine/ co-create abundance, animals have genuine fears of survival.

Hence, animals are justified in racing for survival and killing for competition for reasons such as fear, food or self-defense.

However, human beings are not justified in becoming competitively brutal, racing for money or using violence because their minds have the capacity to sustain the body without using rudimentary methods of survival as the animals use.

The development of literacy represents the complexifying of human existence over animal existence in all areas of life. Literacy has improved life associated with survival, production of resources, money, counting, exchange of goods and services, creating technology, inventions, and has also, led to increased development of the creative brain in areas other than the concept of surviving in the animal world. The spread of education has facilitated spiritual development of the brain and manifested portals of expression such as painting, dance, music, evolution of relationships, literature, history, geography etc.

However, though, education has evolved technology, it has remained primitive by intention and animal-like in its execution. The stress on competition, scarcity consciousness and compromising in fear for survival has had negative effects on general peacefulness in society. The development of literacy has not been not able to neutralize the need to overpower others by increasing optimism, compassion and peacefulness more than the need for negative thinking and helplessness.

The present debate is between the opposing thinking patterns of a survival consciousness and an evolutionarily higher abundance consciousness which has a higher positive thought frequency. Positive thinking seeks to spread education such that the negative effects of competition are transcended by a focus on abundance & benefits of human life over animal life with the understanding that animal-like needs of violence and competition are harmful and reduce spread of happiness in human terms.

For further reading , please refer to the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION ( Redefine success as rising peace, optimism and happiness , a soul's perspective ), chapter 2
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Sunday, 5 July 2020


The present education system has created a revolution in technology but has not solved problems which affect happiness directly like depression, psychological sickness, relationship breakdowns, corruption, terrorism etc.; hence, unrest and violence in society have increased. An understanding of what the soul needs from improving its efforts, is necessary to realize inner happiness as a direct outcome of effort and not as a side effect of success.

All technology innovations which we are so proud of as human beings, have been made only in the direction of improving external display or comforts without sufficient attention being given to our internal emotional and spiritual needs.

Happiness comes from satisfying the needs of emotional satisfaction along with acquiring bodily comforts. Becoming successful without feeling happy is like painting the walls of the house without the people feeling brighter. Happiness and good health are co-related... Good health can never be maintained by focusing on just the needs of material success and using the body as a projected image.

Since science only focuses on the outside world, just focusing on improvements in scientific development will never lead to evolution of peace and harmony within the soul or in society. A training in systematic understanding of emotional complexities needs to be inculcated with the same zeal as mathematical skills are taught.

Due to neglect of soul needs in the education curriculum, human development has failed to realize feelings of peace and contentment.

A focus on integration of soul needs along with material needs while teaching how to make choices in everyday life is essential to create peaceful adults. A training in integrated Emotional and Spiritual development is the only way to permanently increase peace and happiness in the world.

Though we blame everything else except our thinking patterns for the problems in our life ,  just focusing on grades/marks/ performance ability, success and money is the core negative thinking principle which has led to a lop-sided development of humanity wherein inner peace of the mind has been sacrificed for a need to perform due to external pressure.

 This lop-sided development has led to creation of imbalanced individuals who have no training on how to resolve complex emotional issues and resort to violence or addictions to vent out frustrations in an attempt to find inner peace.

Human happiness cannot be created as a side-effect of success. You cannot get balanced, peaceful and happy adults by pursuing mechanical/academic success as the goal of education.

Mind patterns are set in childhood and are affected by mass culture which is affected by education, predominantly.  Since, the focus of all education has been on becoming successful at the cost of neglecting training in development of peace and inner happiness, people are driven towards a rat race to earn success.

Training young minds to think that working mechanically for successful performance is all that is needed to be happy , makes them feel comfortable about ignoring complex emotional development , which actually aids human mind development towards evolving to be happy and healthy through the obstacles which adult life projects.

Children driven towards winning above being peaceful, start finding short-cuts to success which are manipulative and corrupt. A pattern of mass thinking has developed such that respect is measured by money.  If you are not aiming at happiness or inner peace, money for success can be earned by being manipulative and corrupt more than by being good and helpful.

However, happiness and satisfaction come from a job well done whether it is acknowledged as successful conventionally, or not. Winning always is not necessary to be happy. Trial and error are common processes involved in research and inventions. Through the process of overcoming failure, happiness and satisfaction continue to motivate the person towards achieving success with satisfaction. For example, Thomas Edison continued to fail for thirty years before he finally created an electric bulb. Like him, students need to be trained to be motivated from within by a system of education which rewards the process of achieving satisfaction and not just the result.

For further redaing , please refer to the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION ( Redefine Success As Rising Optimism, Peace & Happiness )


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