case of parallel lives, the same soul splits into two parts or even more.
soul is made up of energy. When it splits, the quality of energy remains the
same in each soul. It is like when a torch beam passes through a hard wooden
chair, it splits into two parts but the quality of light remains the same;
though the power of each split beam may be lesser than that of the ONE whole
beam of light.
explained in my books, a single soul is like a ray of light coming from a
bigger unit of power called the Higher Self. The Higher Self is like the SUN.
It has several rays. Hence, the same soul energy can incarnate in several
bodies at the same time if that suits its purpose of evolution.
parallel lives means that two persons would have a similar energy frequency,
and hence would have similar temperaments, similar body built`, similar fears
etc. but would be facing individual challenges from a different set of
circumstances.The Higher Self
You need to stay connected to your
higher self while making choices on Earth so that you meet your life purpose,
find satisfaction, develop a positive IDF ( internal dominant focus ) and realize the destiny planned for
your won soul and do not get trapped in a generalized definition of success.
The soul energy within a human being is
a part of a bigger soul group, called ‘The Higher Self’. The Higher Self is a
more powerful quantum of energy of the Creator, than the individual body.
If we compare the Creator’s consciousness
to that of a human body, then the Higher Self would be an organ’s consciousness
like the liver’s consciousness or the heart’s consciousness; and the individual
human body would be the cell of the organ.
When the soul takes birth in a body, its
life force energy comes from this bigger whole viz. the Higher Self. Like a ray
radiates from the Sun, the spirit radiates from its Higher Self.
The Higher Self exists in a
high spiritual dimension in the realm of pure positive frequencies. It is always
in communion with the Creator, as it is a bigger unit of the ONENESS than is
the little soul cell in the body.
The Higher Self’s energy is an important
part of a person’s total personality, as it is who the soul is. It is the true
identity of the soul.
The soul gets its directions
of how to evolve from its Higher Self.
The soul’s plan of a life-time
is made in accordance with the purpose of evolution of the Higher Self. When we
evolve, the life force our Higher Self brightens in light, its vibrational frequency
becomes more positive and it becomes more powerful.
Practically, this means that the Higher
Self decides what our priorities and ambitions in life would be, and the
challenges we would have to overcome while pursuing our goals on Earth.
The Higher Self keeps guiding the soul
through its life-time on Earth by way of mobilization of the soul’s energy towards
specific directions over others, through using the subconscious mind as a
control mechanism of the body.
When we get pulled towards certain professions
without any rational reason, or fall in love with certain people and not
others, it is the Higher Self moving our energies to achieve its goals of
The Higher Self also has complete knowledge
of the person’s past lives, and makes life-plans which take into account
lessons of evolution left over from past lives, which need to be mastered in
the present life.
Just as, at birth, a soul
comes from its Higher Self into a body, upon death, the soul rejoins its Higher
Self back in the Light.
However, if the person dies
in pain, it cannot join its Higher Self, back in the celestial plane, as it is
supposed to.
This happens because if the
soul dies feeling negative, it cannot raise its energy frequency again to match
the high positive frequency of the Higher Self. It remains stuck as a spirit or
soul fragment on Earth and keeps feeling negative over and over again.
Then, the Higher Self intervenes to
bring the stuck soul-fragment back home. Each new life-plan which the Higher
Self makes, for a reincarnating soul, aims to integrate lost soul fragments so
as to help its overall soul consciousness evolve to a higher positive frequency
than before.
Though we are meant to be
supervised by our Higher Selves on Earth, as puppets attached to a higher
intelligence form, the free will of making the final choices on which way to go
in life always remains with us.
The Higher self-guides us but does not
control us. It is like the parent who guides his child without ruling over. It is
supportive and loving, but allows the soul to develop its own intelligence, in
order to evolve.
Thus, when we blame God or
our Higher Self for things going wrong in our lives, we are not completely
The Higher Power does push us instinctively
towards certain direction over others but it cannot control us and it cannot prevent
us from falling in the well if we choose to jump.
That is because we are essentially
and we cannot be forced to move in some direction over others, just as flowing water cannot be forced to flow as ordered. It can only be directed.
The water flows
automatically wherever there is place created for it to flow by removing blocks
in its free flow.
Similarly, our soul energy flows
whenever there is an energy pull. Negative feelings come as doubts and have to
be removed so that energy can flow freely to the destination it wants to reach.
The life-plan is made so
that we are convinced to choose the positive ways of thinking over negative
because we cannot be forcibly bound, being energies.
Our soul energy is directed by our circumstances
towards making choices which make us happy. But, the realization of what
constitutes happiness comes overtime as we understand cause and effect equations,
from the soul’s perspective.
For further reading, please refer to my book : IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS ( How Past lives affect The Present Life . a soul's perspective