Friday, 15 March 2019

Creation Of Floods or Wars

Floods are a result of a mass consciousness based on wanting to throw up. When too many people feel negative, there is negative energy radiating on the planet .

The planet experiences an imbalance . Floods throw up clusters of negative energy and help to clear area of debris. It is a cleaning up process of the planet.
The NEW AGE comes up with higher frequencies on Earth .
A high frequency means a high speed of vibration and a higher speed of thinking.

High speed can be achieved only by clearing of debris, dust and clusters of negative energy as negative energy blocks the smooth functioning of Earth's engine .

It is expected that the NEW AGE will start with increase in calamities, earthquakes, floods  , fights, , riots, wars etc. because destruction is necessary for people to re-orient thinking towards being positive. Each time, there is destruction, waves of compassion are generated which radiate positive energy.

Negative thinking people are like sores on the planet . The planet cannot be healthy if most eole remain sick, worried or anxious.

As there is large scale destruction of negative energy, air clears for speed of vibration to increase.
Only human beings who are optimistic and can change their thinking to positive can survive on the planet  .
People who remain negative, strive for financial success without feeling good within, try to be mechanical in attitude, block positive emotions from rising , stay away from meditation and soul evolution - cannot survive .

The inner frequency of the soul has to rise with the rising frequency of the planet. The soul frequency rises only by feeling positive.  A rise in compassion, love, peace , harmony and spiritual awareness are more important for life to exist than an increase in number of houses or cars you own.

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