Friday, 15 March 2019


Earth is a physical dimension where negative and positive energies interact to form physical matter. The celestial dimensions are spirit dimensions where positive energy predominates matter. Positive ions are more spread out than negative ions. To form physical matter, air has to turn into solid. Likewise, spirit has to conform to a body. Body is physical matter. Spirit is like air.  The spirit has to lower its positive frequency to come in physical body.

 While staying in physical body alive, the spirit cannot be as positive as it would be in celestial dimension because physical body is dense. Density requires atoms and molecules to move close to each other which requires magnetism. Magnetism is created by negative thought.
We cannot be completely free of negative thought while staying alive in a body. If we want to be free of negative feelings totally, we have to evolve to being content in a spirit body which stays in high frequency, spirit dimensions where movement of ions is freer and more spaced out.

Stress is a negative energy. Happiness is a positive energy. When we take action in the physical world, we combine stress with happiness. The joy we get from doing any work is its happiness component. The discomfort we undertake while performing the work is its stress component.
Any activity requires both happiness and stress component in the physical world. There can be no work done if we totally focus on happiness or bliss as that is a spirit dimension of existence.
As the spirit, we do not need food, clothes or cars. Hence, if we want to be like spirits and in complete bliss, we have to also give up desire for physical comforts like saints do.

The job we do, be it drinking water or manufacturing films, creates feelings in us. We feel content and satisfied after drinking water or making a film. The contentment level rises or falls but the feeling essentially remains the same. The energy of contentment varies and makes the experience different for the soul.
If the level if positive contentment is greater than the discomfort endured in doing it, the action leads to creation of happiness. If the discomfort is greater than the joy produced while doing the act, the stress level increases.

We have to ensure that the JOY component f the work being done always remains higher than the DISCOMFORT component for the activity to yield happiness in our lives.
If we allow negative energy of stress to become greater than the positive energy of contentment/happiness, we would lose satisfaction with our own selves and devolve as souls.
Soul evolution means to be happy more than stressed. Stress cannot be avoided but has to be kept minimum even if material comforts are sacrificed in the process. Freedom is in rising to the spirit zones of existence with feeling contentment in heart.

Our health and peace rise when we feel greater joy than stress while doing any job. Our anxiety levels rise and diseases increase if we allow stress to increase and happiness to fall while doing the job. A balance between negative and positive has to be maintained such than positive feeling is on an average, greater than negative feelings but negative cant be eradicated on Earth as we need magnetism to stay alive

Creation Of Floods or Wars

Floods are a result of a mass consciousness based on wanting to throw up. When too many people feel negative, there is negative energy radiating on the planet .

The planet experiences an imbalance . Floods throw up clusters of negative energy and help to clear area of debris. It is a cleaning up process of the planet.
The NEW AGE comes up with higher frequencies on Earth .
A high frequency means a high speed of vibration and a higher speed of thinking.

High speed can be achieved only by clearing of debris, dust and clusters of negative energy as negative energy blocks the smooth functioning of Earth's engine .

It is expected that the NEW AGE will start with increase in calamities, earthquakes, floods  , fights, , riots, wars etc. because destruction is necessary for people to re-orient thinking towards being positive. Each time, there is destruction, waves of compassion are generated which radiate positive energy.

Negative thinking people are like sores on the planet . The planet cannot be healthy if most eole remain sick, worried or anxious.

As there is large scale destruction of negative energy, air clears for speed of vibration to increase.
Only human beings who are optimistic and can change their thinking to positive can survive on the planet  .
People who remain negative, strive for financial success without feeling good within, try to be mechanical in attitude, block positive emotions from rising , stay away from meditation and soul evolution - cannot survive .

The inner frequency of the soul has to rise with the rising frequency of the planet. The soul frequency rises only by feeling positive.  A rise in compassion, love, peace , harmony and spiritual awareness are more important for life to exist than an increase in number of houses or cars you own.

Monday, 4 March 2019


The soul is a tiny unit of life-force energy, which radiates light through the body. It can be compared to the filament of a light bulb. Metaphorically, if we view the soul as the filament of the bulb, then the body would be the glass wall of the bulb through which the filament radiates light. The body is, thus, the vehicle of the soul.
The Soul gets its power from a bigger source of light, which can be called the ONENESS or the Creator, like the filament of the bulb gets its power from the main electricity line.
Just as a bulb is useless without its filament, the body is useless without the soul. It is the soul which gives life force, as well as an identity to the body. The sense of self which a person has is his/her soul. For example, if you say ‘My body is beautiful or my body is fat’, then, the ‘my’ is the soulthe life-force energy within you.

Just as a bulb is useless without its filament, the body is useless without the soul. It is the soul which gives life force, as well as an identity to the body. The sense of self which a person has is his/her soul. For example, if you say ‘My body is beautiful or my body is fat’, then, the ‘my’ is the soulthe life-force energy within you.
The soul is a being made of life force energy. It is always moving at a certain speed called its vibrational frequency. The speed of vibration at which the soul vibrates is called the soul frequency.
Soul frequency varies depending on the level of soul advancement. The more positive the soul frequency, the more power it has to create. The more advanced souls have a higher soul frequency, while the Creator, the most advanced soul, has a very high positive frequency.



7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...