Sunday, 13 January 2019


The soul is the co-creator of your life . By tapping into your soul power, your subconscious mind can guide you on how to overcome weakness in the body, solve your financial problems, heal your body from diseases, improve your work performance, help you make choices to feel content in life, invite prosperity and wealth, increase your soul power as a co-creator , connect you to your spirit guides, help you through releasing past sorrow and manifest dreams, change your inner vibrations to be peaceful and discover several methods to find happiness.
The correct method of meditation is that which makes you more happy or detached than sad about situations of life wherein you feel helpless . If you practice meditation, you metaphorically exercise your mental body in order to meditate, which is similar to you exercising your physical body to be fit. The process of reducing negative thinking is the same for the mind as the process of reducing fat is for the body. Just as you control your body from over –eating during slimming, you have to control your mind from indulging on worrying or complaining ,while learning to be positive.
Overtime, through setting the goal to be positive during your meditation by controlling your mind to stay focused on your breathing or on not thinking or on happy feelings in visualizations or on just deliberate smiling,  you would find changes in your thinking on a routine basis such that you automatically choose to be more positive than negative.
A correct method of meditation may have to be accompanied by past life regression , inner child healing , NLP , spirit release or other healing methods just as physical exercise needs to be complemented with a good diet.
Happiness is that energy which would raise your soul’s vibrational frequency and make you feel more powerful by detaching from that situation which you cannot resolve.   Just as you detach from excessive hunger or eating in boredom while learning to be fit and healthy, you detach from needing to gossip about your problems or thinking about difficulties as a mental junk thought ,eating habit , while learning to be happy and healthy.
 Once you know how to access positive hormones creation and take care of your body , you would remain healthy even if you cannot afford expensive medical treatments or healing workshops . Similarly , once you are aware of your soul purpose and subconscious needs, your life would become happier even without any stark change in external circumstances .
You need to talk to yourself in imagination , as if you are a person standing in front of you to understand your soul needs and align your mind and body to reduce your inner conflicts . An interaction between the mind, body and soul is not maintained automatically but has to be sustained with deliberate mind control because your subconscious mind is like the engine of the car, wherein the soul is the owner of the car. When the engine runs more smoothly , the car drives better on the same roads. Similarly, when you listen to your subconscious needs, you can overcome difficulties more appropriately and stay happier .
But, if you neglect your inner voice, problems would keep coming in your life and in your body , even when your external front becomes richer and more successful. Your external image may be good but your happiness will not rise just because your reputation or external image is good,  if your body remains in disease and your mind in anxiety. Feeling good inside the body, is as or more important as maintaining a good image, for happiness and good health to improve in life

Metaphorically, by only focusing on painting the car so that it looks good, the inner engine would catch dust and deteriorate. Therefore, keeping the engine in good condition is as important as maintaining a good exterior.

So, the key to changing your future to feel happier inside is to find a way to feel happy in the ‘now’. Once your energy starts revolving in circles of happiness, the same energies would multiply in your life through changing people, circumstances and jobs.

The most effective way to change the way you feel in the present moment, is to access your subconscious mind which is the data base of your thoughts and align it with a positive consciousness by smiling within yourself in meditation or by being detached from worries and feeling calm, as being calm is a ZERO ( neutral/positive ) frequency of energy vibration which is higher than a MINUS( negative ) frequency of worrying.  .
The soul experiences life through feeling positive, neutral and negative energies in its thoughts and actions. Energies multiply with inner focus and the future energies are an expansion of the present energies. Same feelings multiply over a lifetime in repetitive patterns of dominant focus,  be it negative, detached or positive.
Life’s experiences  move on with changing circumstances but underlying emotions remain the same as the soul energy moves in circular motion around a point of dominant focus. The subconscious mind manifests everything in the future on the basis of how you feel in the present.
External circumstances materialize such that you continue feeling more negative or more positive in the same current of emotional cycle.
You become what you feel you are. Your feelings reflect what you think . For example, if you think you are impatient, your subconscious mind will express this belief through your anger or clumsiness.
If you think you are fat, it will manifest as overweight in your body. If you think you are beautiful, you will get complements from others. Whatever you think about yourself in the NOW, you will manifest or become in the future.

Your life, your circumstances and your relationships reflect your feelings. Just as a bulb reflects light, your body and your life reflect your inner light ... If you feel suppressed in your circumstances , it means that your inner light is suppressed and you are not glowing as much as you potentially can as a part of God.

For raising your positive frequency, you can align your feelings with God. To match the frequency of God which is necessary to download God's energies in you, you can imagine positive light which subconsciously is the historically established symbol of a higher intelligence. As the soul by itself cannot see or hear but uses the body as the vehicle to attain its desires, imagining is considered the same as a real experience by the subconscious mind if it creates the same energy vibrations or feelings in the body as a real experience would, as it does if visualization is accompanied with an experience of the mind, that make the soul feel at peace .
To align with God’s wisdom and  reflect outwards your inner positive light, you would have to erase several negative beliefs of your life which have clogged your  subconscious circuits with negative energy particles created  due to a focus on sadness, fear or anger , that has been imbibed through bitter experiences of  present life, childhood or past lives.

All that is around you is your soul converting feelings into experiences, emotional energy into physical form and the movement of desires towards manifestation of more positive energy in your life is blocked by obstacles created by negative energies created by a focus on negative feelings .
For aligning your mind to receive guidance from God, you need to uplift your emotional energy towards feeling positive by deliberate choice so that your energy frequency matches the energy frequency of a  more positive consciousness, as of God. Feelings are the energies which radiate out in every thought and form the energy content of  the subconscious mind.
Your life is made of energy particles, created by your core desires, fears and deepest beliefs. Your ambitions reflect your soul purpose and your cravings hide your inner conflicts. Your pains aid in your soul evolution as you transcend negative to positive by understanding why you decided to take on this human story as being your reality of life.

The subconscious vibrational cycle does not stop creating unhappiness in your mind ,until it is deliberately broken by an external force from the person’s own conscious mind by applying deliberate mind training to focus on positive emotions .


Learning task 13 – Align with God’s wisdom

Consider a problem in your life where you feel helpless.
First level of observation through detachment :- move out of your body as in imagination and view the problem from an observer perspective . For example, if your friend has the same problem which you have, what would be your advice to him or her when the aim is to help him be happy , healthy and pleasant?
Second level of observation with detachment: - move further up as if you are watching the situation as your own parent . As your child facing the situation, what will be your advice to yourself when the aim is that your child stays healthy, happy, confident and peaceful with the choices made ?
Third level of observation & detachment  :- watch the situation from an eternal perspective. If life was eternal and you were to live forever, how would you view your problematic situation. As God, what would be your advice to yourself when the aim is to choose for your good heath , soul grade evolution, higher frequency of happiness and peacefulness ?


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