Monday, 1 January 2018



This blog is an excerpt from my book A Course In Emotional Management ( edited version 5 ) Your Emotions are Instructions given by your conscious mind to your body

The subconscious mind operates on instructions which pass as electric signals from the conscious mind released through the emotions being focused upon .
 The subconscious mind  is the link between the conscious mind and the soul.
Metaphorically, the subconscious mind is like the crew of the ship while the conscious mind is the captain and the soul is the owner of the ship. The soul decides why and where the ship has to go viz.  the priorities of life and the energy frequency of the destination where the person has to reach. The conscious mind thinks on how to take the ship to where it has to reach and the subconscious mind organizes the functions.
The subconscious mind follows the directions of the conscious mind, literally without any questions asked.
The crew of the ship follows the orders of the captain blindly without trying to judge whether he is right or wrong.  Similarly, the subconscious mind follows the feelings focused upon by the conscious mind, as instructions.
The subconscious mind produces in the body exactly the feelings which the person focuses on by conscious choice, as physical manifestations, without caring about whether the instructions produce good health or bad health for the person.
The conscious mind remains happy and the body remains healthy if the person follows the chosen priorities as set by the soul. However, the person makes choices in alignment with the soul’s purpose of life, when the body, mind and soul are aligned.
If the soul, body and mind are not aligned; the person feels lost in track, sick and anxious. Non-aligned decision-making is akin to the owner, driver and engine of the car preparing to go in different directions. In ideal conditions as conceived on heaven, the soul makes priorities of life in a life plan designed before incarnation. The mind desires those priorities to be achieved as ambitions in life and the body helps the mind take action to achieve its pre-set priorities. 
On Earth, the ideal conditions get diluted by practical considerations like society’s expectations, parents’ ideologies, school imbibed cult, work demands etc. which influence adult criterion of financial security or conventional success. If the mind gets in the trap of conditioning on Earth and starts taking over ambitions of society or other people as its own, it starts moving away from its own soul destination. Imitation becomes a greater focus than original thinking. The mind of a person who does not follow his own soul plan remains unhappy and anxious as s/he knows inwardly that the path is lost.
 To move back to being happy, the soul plan has to be followed all over again even if you are far from the planned path.
 For moving back on the soul plan, the conscious mind has to restart attuning with the subconscious mind. There is a slow, consistent rise in happiness and peace of mind as you move back on the soul path from a far away destination. The feelings of being lost slowly subside and your health improves along with a rise in self-confidence.
However, if anxieties continue, it means that you are not attempting to move back on your soul plan and are still in the trap of negative thinking which rules over mass education on Earth.  

A test of whether you are on the soul plan or not is your feeling of well-being and in good health. If there are depressions and diseases in the body, it means that the soul, mind and body are not aligned and the conscious mind has to become aware of its routine thinking to change its priorities of life again and move back to feeling positive as an inner focus.

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