“Education is needed to be peaceful, optimistic and happy.
The goal of all education is to help children find happiness in life. Education
is not imparted just for being successful or earning money to support
responsibilities. Education is given so that children learn to think and reason
by using their brains more than their bodies, as distinguished from animals”
With increasing emptiness in hearts
and violence in the world, there is an urgent need to minimize the negativity
arising as side effect of the enforcement of education; for accentuating the
positive benefits.
Side Effects of the Present Education System
The education system of today
glorifies success over happiness; leading to a complex situation wherein people
try to be successful to be happy; but do not attain the happiness they seek
from their efforts through being successful and hence, become disillusioned
overtime, leading to increasing depressions and violence in societies.
As long as success is pursued
blindly by promoting competition in childhood, it justifies increasing of
happiness in self by reducing happiness of others; thus justifying corruption
and promotion of inequalities amongst adults.
Anger and negative feelings amongst
those defeated rise and the energy of jealousy/unhappiness spreads, diluting
the positive work of the successful, Since all human energy is connected, jealousy,
wars and manipulations which ravage the defeated minds, often create more harm
than the good effects created by success.
However, to understand why success
has become important over happiness, we need to understand how education
evolved from a need of survival carried over from our animal ancestors.
Evolution of Education - From Animal Mindset to a
Human Mindset
Education represents the
development of human life over animal life, and is the most important factor
which distinguishes human beings from animals.
Animals often feel helpless against
circumstances because their brain is less developed, unlike the human brain.
Animals cannot grow resources as they live only in the present moment and have
no future visions, no ability to abstract words from pictures or analyze in
logical or abstract steps. Animals cannot reason about the WHYs or think of the
HOWs. Since, animals cannot read or
write or imagine/ co-create abundance, animals have genuine fears of survival.
Hence, animals are justified in racing for survival and killing for
competition for reasons such as fear, food or self-defense.
However, human beings are not
justified in becoming competitively brutal, racing for money or using violence
because their minds have the capacity to create more. Human beings can sustain
the body without using rudimentary methods of survival as the animals use.
The development of literacy
represents the complexifying of human existence over animal existence in all
areas of life. Literacy has improved life associated with survival, production
of resources, money, counting, exchange of goods and services, creating
technology, inventions, and has also, led to increased development of the
creative brain in areas other than the concept of surviving in the animal
world. The spread of education has facilitated spiritual development of the
brain and manifested portals of expression such as painting, dance, music,
evolution of relationships, literature, history, geography etc.
though, education has evolved technology, it has remained primitive by
intention and animal-like in its execution. The stress on competition, scarcity
consciousness and compromising in fear for survival has had negative effects on
general peacefulness in society. The development of literacy has not been not
able to neutralize the need to overpower others by increasing optimism,
compassion and peacefulness more than the need for negative thinking and
The present debate is between the
opposing thinking patterns of a survival consciousness and an evolutionarily
higher abundance consciousness which has a higher positive thought frequency.
Positive thinking seeks to spread education such that the negative effects of
competition are transcended by a focus on abundance & benefits of human
life over animal life with the understanding that animal-like needs of violence
and competition are harmful and reduce spread of happiness in human terms.
The evolution of education should
be such that it aids in development of peace in the minds of people by
facilitating peacefulness in individual consciousness which aids in spreading
of happiness as an energy flowing from one to several, in mass consciousness.
This requires an understanding of the factors which led to the initial
expansion of education and realizing that those circumstances no longer hold
true, with deliberate awareness.
Evolutionary History of Education
Charles Darwin’s research as
published in his book “ The Origin Of Species “ , propagated the theory of Survival of the Fittest ,
which suggests that animals survive in
the jungles by killing and defeating others less capable than the fittest.
Animals killed because they
depended on scarce resources. If you did
not kill as an animal, you were amongst those who were eaten. Competition evolved
as a tool of survival because animals
genuinely needed to develop competitive fighting skills to survive.
due to the repetitive energy cycles which govern all energy movement in the
universe, these dominant thought cycles continued to repeat though external
circumstances kept changing as humans evolved from animals.
Human beings continued to believe
in the illusion that if you are not a winner, you would be a victim without any
genuine cause. Though, there was no animal-like associated helplessness arising
from an inability to grow resources, definitions
of success and power were blindly carried over from the animal mind-set.
in the animal world, came from defeating others because resources were not
enough for all; and they could not grow resources as human beings
could; but success in the human world was falsely assumed to be that which came
from defeating others wherein scarcity was artificially created for fun or
as power in the animal world was equated with violence and
killing, power in the human world was defined by emotional bullying/
killing of the optimistic human spirit.
success and power in the human world, as blindly imitated from the animal
world, were defined by a survival instinct and not by an increase in inner
peace or happiness.
Thus, it came about that, as human
beings advanced from animals, their bodies evolved but the thinking patterns
remained stuck at rudimentary energy cycles where the belief was that ‘you have to competitively crush others to dominate ‘.It
was firmly believed that competition was necessary to survive as it had been
when human ancestors were animals.
Hence, though teeth were replaced by guns as the brain evolved from
being animal-like to human-like, the technological improvement did not erase
the primitive need to kill to survive.
The concept of the ‘enemy ‘and ‘a need to kill another’s spirit to
survive oneself’ continued to be accepted as gospel.
crux of fear based thinking has not changed though human civilization has
evolved technologically. A vicious circle of scarcity and
competition has resulted as a circuitous chain of evolution. Circumstances of life manifest in alignment with
dominant thinking cycles. Since there was a belief in scarcity of resources, it
manifested such that human beings genuinely feel trapped in cycles of scarcity
wherein the scarcity is inappropriately advertised by excessive focus on
comfort, greed, deprivation, fear,
poverty, future dangers and traditional criteria of right & wrong. Usually,
individual consciousness is ruled over by mass consciousness and we allow
others to decide how life should be.
The education system has developed
an imitative mechanism of learning such that, the cycle of feeling helpless
individually and as a mass, has continued automatically from the competitive
animal’s mind-set. In alignment with the laws of automatic repetition of energy
cycles, instead of promoting meaningfulness and peace in life, education has
been imparted in a way which has fueled energies of compromise, helplessness
and negative competition.
Animals felt helpless without competing
because their intelligence was limited to grabbing food and shelter whereas
human beings feel helpless without competition and bitterness, because of
repeated patterns of thinking being carried over from animal conditioning.
Logic is ignored by repetitive
energy/ thought cycles until it is imposed by deliberate changes in the
super-structure made by a higher, more positive consciousness.
The human soul is a co-creator unlike the animal soul which is a
passive receiver. Therefore, the responsibility of creation of happiness,
peace and sufficient resources for survival is as much human as God’s in the
human world. We cannot blame God or external factors for our problems just as
the primitive man could not blame God for not giving rain on time.
Abundance can be created in the
human world by choice, unlike the animal world which is dependent on luck and
rain. The imaginative/ abstract / creative
brain power which human beings have and animals do not have, automatically
places humans on a higher realm of feeling intricacies of life and being in
Human beings can create abundance
of happiness with a disciplined focus of the mind on the positive aspects of
life. Inequalities in distribution of wealth can be overcome by practical
application of abundance consciousness in everyday thinking.
Just as rain can be created through
manipulating external factors, happiness can be accessed by manipulating
internal dominant emotional focus by choice.
But as long as we think that we are basically animals, helpless and
dependent on external circumstances for our happiness, we would continue
fighting over survival needs as animals do and leave happiness to chance.
Instead of priding over our animal instinct,
we need to acknowledge ourselves as a more evolved, higher dimensional human
race , being more intelligent than animals are and having the ability to create
happiness, health, food, goods & services by practising spiritual awareness
and understanding how our feelings impact reality through the action of the
Universal Laws of Soul Vibration.
Abundance vs. Scarcity Consciousness
Human beings have evolved above
animals in terms of physical bodies but they now, need to move above
animalistic survival based thinking; wherein the ‘survival instinct ‘is
replaced by an ‘abundance instinct’; such that a belief in abundance of
resources replaces the competitive negativity arising due to a belief in
scarcity of resources.