Saturday, 15 April 2017

National Boundaries Create Obstacles in Spread Of Peacefulness

Differences in religious worship are natural and have developed as language differences have developed in different regions but these differences are superficial and need to be ignored than prioritized, to promote a peaceful and harmonious world where different breeds can live together as an unanimously evolving consciousness.

This is an excerpt from the book : Spirituality In Education - Redefine success as Rising Optimism, Peace and Happiness

Walls of division or national/state boundaries have been cultivated from the primitive era,  when fear of losing resources was paramount. Due to habits of continued negative thinking, people remained trapped in feelings of deprivation which led to racism & nationalist feelings being promoted in school syllabi. In the modern world, where there is no real scarcity of resources and technology is available to spread benefits of development to all, almost one-third of financial resources of national governments are spent on defense expenditures which can instead,  be used for development of health, education & peace in the masses.

Competitiveness and violence still continue to be a major tool of survival used as is evident from the stature of armies which all countries maintain to defend themselves from the competitively cultivated enemies. While minor crime can be controlled by maintaining a police force , the need for maintaining armies indicates that investment goes in planning large scale monopolization of resources over fair distribution of goods & services, irrespective of region, religion, caste, class or creed.

The development of abundance consciousness would be much easier if countries work on international trade with peace, without the need to spread terrorism, threats & fear. In today’s advancing world of the internet and world wide unification of thoughts, there is no continuing real need for creating national boundaries for safeguarding resources of food and shelter, as was in the primitive era.

God represents peace and harmony in every religion but our education system stresses more on differences in regions and religions than unanimity and thus, fails to teach that all religions essentially uphold the same principles of love, understanding and Oneness. Differences in religious worship are natural and have developed as language differences have developed in different regions but these differences are superficial and need to be ignored than prioritized, to promote a peaceful and harmonious world where different breeds can live together as an unanimously evolving consciousness.

The concept of nationalism creates mental walls, and promotes egotist racism, which leads to inequalities in distribution of food, services and benefits of technology. Economic inequalities are subsequently used by religious leaders who instigate the poor against the rich by quoting religion as the reason for disharmony/war whereas the underlying reason is always a need to amass more wealth for self over others, coming from the animal-mindset. People of every religion need economic welfare equally but the need to compete makes people brand their own God as superior to another, thus creating a need for anger/ violence.

Education and literacy are meaningless if they do not lead to creation of a happier and more peaceful world. If an increase in overall happiness was targeted instead of the need to be superior to others, there would be no need to glorify the self over others and create economic inequalities to feel powerful.

When belief in having surplus increases with faith in overall abundance, happiness spreads as insecurity of each individual reduces.  Each person feels safe about spreading happiness and helping others as accentuating welfare of each other increases mutual satisfaction, happiness, peace, faith & optimism. Contributing towards growth of positive energy in another’s life raises the frequency of positive energy in self while creating vibrations of abundance which spread peacefulness to several others.

Peace in the world is a direct outcome of individuals feeling at peace in their own lives; as the more restless and competitive individuals feel, the more are tensions and wars created at the mass level. Mass consciousness is a sum total of individual consciousness.

Change begins from the individual and reaches the masses where it can be accepted or discarded. To evolve to a happier and more peaceful world, the rudimentary mind-set of using force & violence needs to be replaced by deliberate training given to individual young minds to feel abundant and not competitively judged; so that the whole structure is motivated to think differently and evolution speeds up as attempts are focused upon completing each other’s deficits more than competing with each other’s talents.


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