Monday, 17 April 2017

Your Reality - Your Creation

Co-creation of reality is done by our own soul as  a part of the co-creator. How our reality is created is destined by our life plan which takes into account our life purpose, general purpose of evolution, ambitions carried over from past lifetimes and childhood, energies of parents & family chosen and the future realisations which the soul seeks to achieve by undergoing a specific difficult experience. each game of life is like working through a school with soul lessons,  rewards and failures. 

You choose your set of difficulties and the feelings which would help you learn how to evolve to understand yourself more. Accidents can happen in your plan and on your path which sway you away from the life -purpose but a persistent focus on rising up to being positive again will bring you back on the road which leads to the desired feelings that you want to experience given your lifetime.

Your grade of co-creation is good if your peacefulness and happiness rise and poor if your negativity , anger and frustration rise.


"The LAW OF CREATION operates automatically and governs all experiences of life.

For example, your LIKES and DISLIKES are governed by the LAW OF CREATION. You keep adding up your likes and your dislikes if you are left to be .Your preferences change  usually,  when you are externally motivated or forced to change . The externally imposed desire to change manifests a physically possible change in your personal preferences only when your internal focus changes to desire another vibration.

Hence, if you desire to change your eating habits, you can change your likes or dislikes only by changing your internal vibrational frequency. To change your eating habits, you may use motivational speech, external aids like medicines/ hormone stimulants , a strong willed deliberate choice or change automatically by developing new awareness or by shock. For example, you may love eating meat till you develop severe indigestion and have to start disliking your choice. The shock of being sick may motivate you to change your internal vibrational frequency about meat from positive to negative.  However, if you do not deliberately change your choice, indigestion would become a part of your life.

In absence of a strong motivational desire to be happier, detach from present choices and adopt different choices of thinking and being, your circumstances keep adjusting in alignment with your present dominant choice of internal feelings.

If you do not want to change to be happier, the same thinking patterns continue to rule your life even while external circumstances keep changing. You may become big from small, rich from poor , educated from uneducated or successful from struggling; but the same feelings of sadness continue to rule your energies if you have no inner desire to uplift your energies and focus on positive feelings.

Often, the choice to be happier from an unhappy state of being requires detachment from a craving which gives temporary satisfaction but creates emptiness subsequently. For example, a frequent  choice you have to make maybe  between over-eating in greed and good health ; which reflects your priorities between consumerism/ excitement/ materialism vs. spirituality, calmness and peace of mind.

If you choose good health over greed, you would make efforts and invest time on detaching from something you liked but which harmed you more than helped as an after effect, e.g. fatty  food, alcohol etc.

 Overtime, as your choice changes, your circumstances would change to facilitate your new desire. For instance, if you get indigestion by eating fattening food and choose to stay in good health instead of choosing for taste, you may shift to lighter food and deliberately focus on feeling happy while eating; overtime, your body tastes would evolve such that you automatically enjoy eating lighter, easy to digest food.

Similarly, your vibrational preferences decide your routine.  For example, if you feel that you like dancing, you would co-create opportunities to dance.  You may watch television programs on dance, get good dance teachers, have friends who like dance, dance in functions and parties etc.  However, if you focus on the feeling that you do not like dancing, you will opt out of dancing programs in school, prefer watching other programs on television and stay away from people who like dancing.

Similarly, if you think that you like studying, you would take interest in academics, invest time on studying, feel happy with getting new knowledge etc. However, if you dislike studying, you would avoid investing your time and effort on academics .The more you choose to dislike academics, the more your circumstances would automatically get designed such that you can comfortably dislike studying more as you grow up. You may get a non-conducive, non-academic home environment, a non –understanding school curriculum and/or you may have friends who dislike studies.

In effect, every feeling which you voluntarily and automatically dwell upon will co-create the reality of your life, by your own subconscious choice, irrespective of the actions you do on the basis of the preaching of others, your own self-talk, ambitions or desires.

 The feeling which you think about the most is called the point of INTERNAL DOMINANT FOCUS. This feeling sends out the maximum energy of manifestation. For example, you may tell yourself that you want to be slim and content, but keep focusing on feelings of discontent/ deprivation in your life. Feelings of discontentment will motivate you to find short-term contentment, which would motivate you eat more and become fat.

Similarly, you may focus upon the feeling that you want to do well in academics but also, keep focusing on the feeling that you find studies meaningless to your current circumstances. That will prevent you from studying as your feelings will take you towards activities which you find more meaningful to your current situation.

Likewise, you may keep telling yourself that you want to perform well in sports but keep feeling that you do not like running meaninglessly for applause. Again, as long as you do not like the feeling involved, you would not play well in sports, however much you believe that you should.

There can be several reasons for not performing as ambitions dictate. Though,  as a child, you may get scolded for not performing well and as an adult , you may reproach yourself, you will not be able to control your inner self until your beliefs and values change. However hard you try, your soul/ subconscious mind would only create the feelings which align with your inner beliefs. Your subconscious energies will move along with your predominating feelings/ electric impulses and will not motivate your body to move along with your self-enforced desires based on general thinking or mass consciousness beliefs. The default feelings which you focus involuntarily upon will manifest whether your conscious, rational mind agrees or not. If you compromise too much, you would develop diseases and anxieties which would lower the happiness aimed at, automatically so that the energy of your inner beliefs wins again.

The laws of vibration ensure that you manifest  feelings which you like to think about repeatedly, whether negative or positive, and not your words or thoughts or desires, unless they make an impact in your subconscious which is so deep that it makes you change your  inner focus of dominant feelings and hence, vibrationary energy cycles."

...................excerpt from Chapter , Spirituality in Education

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Mahabharat - Evil Vs. Evil ? ( book review)

Good can never win over evil if the methods of fighting the war are as unfair as the evil energy being fought against . If evil is use to defeat evil, it becomes a war of evil vs. evil wherein good is sidelined as an unnecessary obstacle to progress. For good to win over evil, the energy of goodness has to be kept in the centre while making every choice or taking every decision.

Evil mocks goodness by defying it in application. Evil is an energy which  cannot be defined by caste , class or regional difference. Evil can only be defined as that which preaches goodness but spreads disharmony in people's hearts thus creating a duality between the words spoken and the actions taken .
Why Good never won over evil is correctly depicted in books by Anand Neelkanthan , Devdutt Patnaik and similar contemporary writers who give a new perspective to existing scriptures , thus opening up new awareness on the path of evolution which have remained hidden over centuries due to blind faith ruling over sensible worship to a higher,  divine consciousness.

At the ending of Kaliyug and the beginning of Satiyuga, these books shed light on why hypocrisy has ruled over Earth and why fake good image structures have to be demolished for happiness and positive energy to rule over Earth in the future. .

The war of Mahabharata , which depicts how life functions in Kaliyuga, is more a revenge against hyocrisy of royalty than a war of good vs. evil . The methods of cheating truth to win were used rampantly which successfully won the Pandavas the war, but the principles of hypocrisy continued to rule as evil felt it was too powerful to be won by fair mans. The same means of cheating to win which were used for defeating  the sons of god in the Game of dice, were used to kill the sons of man ; thus portraying that fairness and truth never won any war.
Till shortcuts of winning are refused and the war of truth is won by practising truth wining the self , good cannot win over win. For God to win over the devil or good to win over evil, all that is preached as good has to be applied in action, verified by application , accepted or rejected depending on the radiance of positive energy from the thoughts and feelings when applied in action. Goodness is an evolving concept and cannot be rigidly held as bricks of stones held by tradition. Goodness has to change with context and circumstances such that spiritual awareness flows with technological development and progress is accentuated , not blocked by following spirituality in action.

The book, RISE OF KALI ( Ajaya book 2 ),  reads more true than the original Geeta. The author, Anand Neelkanthan , is a channel used by Gods clearly as he gives unseen perspectives which are clearly explainable by karmic laws. There is a bias towards the negative side but that is just to balance the bias from those who claim to be the positive side, but are effectively as negative in action. The war is virtually shown as a battle between Shakuni and Krishna. Shakuni fools Duryodhan and insults the Pandavas repeatedly while Krishna takes back revenge in the war by killing them with deceit, by claiming to be God. However, he cannot save his own wives and the city from ruin subsequently as he is cursed by Gandhari.
The energy rotation can be completely explained by the law of vibrations. For example, Abhimanyu betrayed his best friend who was the son of Duryodhan and was a poet at heart to marry Balram's daughter, by mocking her fiancée and his friend in public; but later betrayed her also as he married another woman who he loved more; later, he killed this best friend in war, when he stood without weapons only to bring glory to his father; and this attracted the same energy of betrayal by elders.. These facts are also written in the Gita but from a different perspective which does not explain the law of vibrations. Karma circulates such that if you betray those weaker than you, you are betrayed by those stronger than you at a different time. How your intentions circulate out and attract the same energy is explained in the current perspective, in detail in my book Creation of Happiness; The ENERGY WAR, a soul's perspective.

The book also indicates that Duryodhan is not a good king in spite of his stand on caste system where he seeks equality for all. It shows that his family lives in opulent luxuries while the masses starve. He insults Draupadi to gain an edge over Pandavas in the game of dice which is won by treachery of which he is not aware and hence, is shown as a politically inept prince who is more concerned with personal victory than welfare of the masses.  When the same treachery is used against him by Krishna in war, he feels cheated but does not realize that his own actions were at fault from the beginning as he trusted the uncle who was plotting against Bheeshma and creating rifts between brothers, where none existed.  Divide and Rule was a strategy employed by Shakuni and other politicians of the era, which divided the family of rulers and created expenses of war, wherein mass welfare and education were sacrificed to create soldiers who were virtually used as sacrificial goats in war.

Draupadi is a created reason for war but is treated just a show piece to be protected than a woman with sensibility. As a spirit involved in co- creation, she attracts the ''cheer haran'' as the law of vibrations escalate the feelings which you focus upon .She always is focused on sadness that she has to marry five men and she is made to realize through the cheer haran that she is saved from marrying a 100 men, which could have been had Krishna not saved her in time.
Krishna is shown to be a man who receives intuitions more than as a God. He upholds the caste system but realizes at the end, that a Brahmin's spirit can be as corrupt and negative as a Shudra. He dies with repentance, unable to protect his wife and city due to a curse by Gandhari, which becomes effective as the war is won by deceit and hence, the same energy gets attracted in Krishna's own life.  His son, to protect whose actions, he kills Eklavya, a Naga leader of fame, is known to be rapist who takes the kingdom to ruin. Eklavya’s story also follows the law of vibrations wherein his amputated thumb is only a symbol of karmic repayment and is no reason for his defeat anywhere. In spite of the missing thumb, he has the power to defeat Arjuna in a dual and can only be killed subsequently from behind, by deceit. All these facts are also verifiable by other versions of the Mahabharata.

The book explains how truth can get biased by people seeking revenge over peacefulness and that good cannot win over evil if those portraying to be good are as hypocritical as those called evil.

The book also points to the fact that Karna  or Krishna could have prevented the war .

Krishna could have prevented the war by not instigating the Pandavas against Duryodhan because he felt that Duryodhan was against Brahmins while he supported the caste system. However, Brahmins turned out to be as corrupt as others , as he found out later.

Karna could have prevented the war by accepting in public that he was son of Kunti. Yudhishter was ready to offer him the post of the king and marry Draupadi to him, also. Karna was in love with Draupadi before she got married to the Pandavas. However, he thought he was being bribed with temptation and did not realise that he could have saved thousands of lives by choosing his love over war . He had refused to reveal to Duryoudhan that he was the king in fear of betraying his friendship to Duryodhan while being aware that there was large scale starvation in the country when the war was announced. When all sons of the Pandavas had died by being murdered brutally and Yudhishter found out that Karna was their eldest brother, after the war, he cursed Kunti by saying that no woman would be able to keep a secret for long .

Love and peace are the highest vibrations which uphold truth, justice and fairness. Victory of love leads to spread of justice and innovation, while betrayal of love leads to spread of injustice and destruction, as has been proved again and again by subsequent wars in history.

It is no coincidence that the book comes at a time when the age of Kali is ending. As predicted, Kaliyuga is to begin its end by 2025 and the age of truth vs. Satiyug is to rise. Books and other means of spreading awareness seek to help people understand that hypocrisy may win a war and a good image but serves no purpose in generating satisfaction or inner happiness.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

National Boundaries Create Obstacles in Spread Of Peacefulness

Differences in religious worship are natural and have developed as language differences have developed in different regions but these differences are superficial and need to be ignored than prioritized, to promote a peaceful and harmonious world where different breeds can live together as an unanimously evolving consciousness.

This is an excerpt from the book : Spirituality In Education - Redefine success as Rising Optimism, Peace and Happiness

Walls of division or national/state boundaries have been cultivated from the primitive era,  when fear of losing resources was paramount. Due to habits of continued negative thinking, people remained trapped in feelings of deprivation which led to racism & nationalist feelings being promoted in school syllabi. In the modern world, where there is no real scarcity of resources and technology is available to spread benefits of development to all, almost one-third of financial resources of national governments are spent on defense expenditures which can instead,  be used for development of health, education & peace in the masses.

Competitiveness and violence still continue to be a major tool of survival used as is evident from the stature of armies which all countries maintain to defend themselves from the competitively cultivated enemies. While minor crime can be controlled by maintaining a police force , the need for maintaining armies indicates that investment goes in planning large scale monopolization of resources over fair distribution of goods & services, irrespective of region, religion, caste, class or creed.

The development of abundance consciousness would be much easier if countries work on international trade with peace, without the need to spread terrorism, threats & fear. In today’s advancing world of the internet and world wide unification of thoughts, there is no continuing real need for creating national boundaries for safeguarding resources of food and shelter, as was in the primitive era.

God represents peace and harmony in every religion but our education system stresses more on differences in regions and religions than unanimity and thus, fails to teach that all religions essentially uphold the same principles of love, understanding and Oneness. Differences in religious worship are natural and have developed as language differences have developed in different regions but these differences are superficial and need to be ignored than prioritized, to promote a peaceful and harmonious world where different breeds can live together as an unanimously evolving consciousness.

The concept of nationalism creates mental walls, and promotes egotist racism, which leads to inequalities in distribution of food, services and benefits of technology. Economic inequalities are subsequently used by religious leaders who instigate the poor against the rich by quoting religion as the reason for disharmony/war whereas the underlying reason is always a need to amass more wealth for self over others, coming from the animal-mindset. People of every religion need economic welfare equally but the need to compete makes people brand their own God as superior to another, thus creating a need for anger/ violence.

Education and literacy are meaningless if they do not lead to creation of a happier and more peaceful world. If an increase in overall happiness was targeted instead of the need to be superior to others, there would be no need to glorify the self over others and create economic inequalities to feel powerful.

When belief in having surplus increases with faith in overall abundance, happiness spreads as insecurity of each individual reduces.  Each person feels safe about spreading happiness and helping others as accentuating welfare of each other increases mutual satisfaction, happiness, peace, faith & optimism. Contributing towards growth of positive energy in another’s life raises the frequency of positive energy in self while creating vibrations of abundance which spread peacefulness to several others.

Peace in the world is a direct outcome of individuals feeling at peace in their own lives; as the more restless and competitive individuals feel, the more are tensions and wars created at the mass level. Mass consciousness is a sum total of individual consciousness.

Change begins from the individual and reaches the masses where it can be accepted or discarded. To evolve to a happier and more peaceful world, the rudimentary mind-set of using force & violence needs to be replaced by deliberate training given to individual young minds to feel abundant and not competitively judged; so that the whole structure is motivated to think differently and evolution speeds up as attempts are focused upon completing each other’s deficits more than competing with each other’s talents.


7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...