Do you see the abundance in your life and Thank God or do you focus on the misery in your life and curse God ? Abundance Consciousness makes you love God and connect to higher realms whereas Poverty Consciousness makes you blame God and disconnect from God.
Human beings have evolved above
animals in terms of physical bodies but they now, need to move above
animalistic survival based thinking; wherein the ‘survival instinct ‘is
replaced by an ‘abundance instinct’; such that a belief in abundance of
resources replaces the competitive negativity arising due to a belief in
scarcity of resources.
Abundance Consciousness is a
mind-set which deliberately focuses on the blessings of life - on all those
good aspects of life which reflect love, peace or good health with the belief
that contentment will grow in abundance in the future. For example, a focus on
feeling gratitude for being generally healthy is abundance consciousness
whereas a focus on the painful areas of the body and feeling generally
unhealthy because of minor problems is Scarcity Consciousness. Similarly,
a focus on feeling wealthy because your necessities are being met by
your work/life choices is abundance consciousness whereas a focus on all
the goods which are in the market and which you want to buy but cannot buy, is scarcity
People have been trained into
focusing on the scarcities of life, due to the traditional belief that pain/the
negative situation has to be focused upon to be fixed. However , a focus on
pain creates sadness and a feeling of failure .
Focusing on failure does not help
to fix a negative situation. To resolve a painful situation, focus needs to be
on clearing the errors and healing the negative aspect of life with appropriate
measures while channeling the remaining energy on fueling the positive aspects
of life.
Metaphorically, if you have failed
in one subject but have passed in all others, your focus needs to be not on
sadness of failing but on the positive learning attached to the sadness of
having failed. Instead of feeling emotionally
negative because you failed, you need to concentrate on the positive
emotional solution of the problem . You can either choose to focus on passing the one subject in which you have
failed or on learning detachment by
ignoring the failure as insignificant and continue your efforts such
that your overall confidence grows.
Traditionally, suffering has been
focused upon by choice as scarcity consciousness was predominant . It
was believed that suffering is inevitable and has to be borne . However,
suffering makes you continuously focus on the area of life where you have
failed without adequate attention being given to fuel optimism which is
necessary to overcome suffering .
Evolution of consciousness entails that a choice to focus upon happiness
predominates over sadness, with conscious awareness of those areas of life
where there is abundance so that the faith in positive life force grows.
The need to curtail indulgence in
happiness arises from a generalized assumption that resources are scarce &
won’t grow overtime. Hence, compromise on happiness in the present is necessary
to be happy in the future . Excessive focus on future with a fear of scarcity
leads to creation of feelings of deprivation in the present. Suffering in
silence manifests pessimism, hatred, anger & suppression overtime, that lead to a need to vent out frustration
through aggression, whenever an opportunity arises. If people do not use
violence externally, they become sick internally as the suppressed violence is subconsciously
vented out by harming the self through indulging in negative thinking &
escapist addictive habits which create negative hormones in the body .
Abundance consciousness means having
a thinking pattern which is patient and optimistic. A consciousness of abundance leads to reduction of greed arising out of a
fear that there will be scarcity in the future. The future is expected to be
happier than the present without worries being fueled as the belief is that ‘ there is plenty and always will be; hence, there is freedom of choice to
be positive because the difficulties will pass away overtime’.
Abundance consciousness fuels
energies upon the best aspects of self more than the worst ; whereas
scarcity/poverty consciousness is the awareness of the worst aspects of life
with the belief that ‘ there is scarcity and always will be; hence, hoarding
of resources is required in the present as difficulties will always remain and
worsen in the future. ’
Scarcity consciousness arises due
to a shortage of money to buy resources
and not due to an inability to grow resources. Resources are available in large
magnitudes today in the human technologically advanced money based economy . If
you have money, you can buy anything
which is held to be competitively scarce.
The scarcity or helplessness which
is felt in everyday life is a problem of Poverty/ helplessness Consciousness
which is a vibrational manifestation problem carried over from the primitive mindset.
In the human world, the scarcity manifests
due to a persistent focus on fear of losing which creates an unequal
distribution of incomes, goods & services . There is no real scarcity but
scarcity is maintained to balance power equations as in the animal world where
there was a belief that the strong have to eat the weak in order to rule as
only the fittest can survive. The theory of ‘ Survival of the fittest ‘
explains the need for measures to maintain monopolies and rich-poor class
differences at the cost of bearing unhappiness amongst those deprived.
Energy travels from one being to another and unhappiness of the
souls who are unjustly treated passes onto reduce the happiness of souls who
feel powerful in the form of dis-obedience, rebellions, curses, conflicts,
strikes etc. Since , animals do not feel poor/ rich, this emotional quality of
happiness is sidelined in a blindly imitated competitive struggle for survival
. Due to the Law of Repetition, governing life cycles, human beings
inadvertently, continue to behave like
animals who want to be powerful even if it makes them negative/ anxious/ sick.
The evolution of resources from
primitive times to modern times, shows the tremendous technological progress
humanity has achieved but the scarcity consciousness remains because
fear remains in the traditional mind. Due to the need to maintain power
structures in self-defense, and a blind belief in helplessness, the means of
distribution of surplus resources are curtailed by motives of monopolization,
autocracy and corruption; which uphold individual profiting over mass welfare.
Energy exchange is biased towards material display of power by advertising and
glamour . In fact, surplus resources are
thrown away in developed countries because of market manipulative strategies of
Hence, the solution to happiness is
to break the animal mind-set of divisions where individuals struggle for
survival to save their single power equations, at the cost of some profiting
over several others or one winning where
several lose the race. Awareness needs to
be developed that life is no longer a
race or a struggle for survival but an artistic expression of the co-creator which
can prosper with differences of opinions.
Surplus and happiness for all would
grow in a variety of ways when efforts
are made to replace the need to COMPETE with a
need to COMPLETE.
Happiness cannot arrive until the scarcity
conditioning is discarded with training in the realization that the problem in the human world today is
not of scarcity of resources but of inequality of distribution. As long as competitive capitalism is the
model of growth, people hold back their surplus, creativity, talent, goods and
services because of fear of losing money
and not because there is inability to grow more . People inhibit their
abilities to spread love and happiness instead of using their surplus to
complete other’s deficits .
Competition blocks ease of travel
of resources from surplus areas to deficit areas . This inhibition indirectly blocks
the spread of creative and productive energy, thus slowing down further technological growth and soul
Scarcity continues to manifest unchecked,
because of fear of losing, and starts being inculcated from school years.
This conditioned fear of losing makes children competitive, restless, aggressive
and violent more than compassionate, content, peaceful and happy; as they start
behaving like animals competitively
fighting for resources in the jungle
Human society needs more minds
seeking to complete deficits in happiness by helping each other than minds
which are competitively successful. Instead of competing for scarce resources,
human beings need to be trained from childhood to complement each other and
work to complete each other’s deficiencies; so that resources increase in
abundance for all involved.
The much needed abilities of sharing
& compassion, which are lacking in human world today due to lack of focus ,
can be technically developed through
a modified education structure which
stresses on developing human skills like patience and empathy along with
academic skills, so that positive
thinking becomes a part of routine individual repertoire. The spread of
positive thinking increases abundance consciousness in several automatically.
Unlike food, happiness spreads when
you spread happiness to others . Food reduces once it is consumed but happiness
increases once it is consumed and distributed. Originally, happiness was identified
with having food & shelter, as it was so in the animal world.
Hence, there was fear that happiness
would reduce if we spread the goods.
But, human beings do not identify happiness with just consumable items
anymore. Human evolution has an increasing hunger for emotionally positive
frequencies which increase by receiving satisfaction
in all aspects of life , not only food or clothing or shelter . The advancing
soul has an increasing need for love , acknowledgement and self-respect to be
happy .
Empirically , it has been proven that
human beings could never be content if they just received food & shelter as
animals seeked . The slave cult was abolished because human beings needed more
than food & shelter to be happy in routine life, unlike the animals. The
slaves received only food & shelter in exchange for work, but they rebelled whereas the animals continued
to work in the same mould. Hence, animal laws of scarcity cannot be blindly
superimposed on human beings as people can get starved of happiness if focus is
given merely to food & shelter
Happiness grows through investing
efforts in mutual trade which focuses on devising methods of developing
abundance for all. Happiness or well-being does not increase through investing
in competitive games, wars & terrorism which provide short term diversions
at the cost of wastage of resources in ego based conflicts of territories/
religions or nations.
Human civilization has already
suffered severe trauma for running away from emotional problems and resorting to
wars to resolve ego based arguments. The huge amounts of energy and money invested in wars and defense weapons can,
now, be avoided if investment on
emotional management is given a priority over competitive sports; which
subsequently manifests as war games
played at macro levels.
Happiness spreads while being happy
oneself and not by sacrificing needs of love, creativity or satisfaction for
future peacefulness. While indulging in greed is not needed to increase
happiness, a focus on contentment is necessary to feel abundance in life. Present
feelings multiply over time and positive thinking generates more positivity
overtime, while feeling sad, compromised or negatively competitive creates more
unhappiness over the long run with bad effects on health & inherent
Abundance consciousness spreads
happiness from one to several through words spoken & feelings generated
which increase optimism, and open doorways to experience love, creativity &
passion . Complaining about survival, in terms of whether you will get food /
shelter or not, is a primitive thinking
habit which needs to be deliberately discontinued and replaced with optimistic
thinking. By default, ‘’Abundance consciousness’’ motivates
positive thinking while “Poverty/Scarcity
Consciousness “ promotes negative thinking .
Hence, a focus on developing abundance consciousness needs to
supersede poverty/scarcity/war
consciousness while training young minds . Children need to be trained into
thinking that there is enough for all and always will be. Beliefs manifest
reality .Vibrations are created in alignment with the feelings focused upon.
Scarcity or feelings of deprivation are created more by the habit of focusing
on fear or greed than a real scenario in the Modern world.
Very often, individuals do not give
charity of surplus as much as they can because there is no means to reach those
who need due to lack of opportunities of fair distribution. Individuals want to
open their wings and spread happiness in the modern world, but are blocked by a
traditional mass super structure which believes in scarcity of resources and hence , there are channels created for
saving for wars & self –defense, but not for distribution of excess
resources.. Once opportunity is created,
sharing of surplus would be a preferred option to indulging in excessive
of clothes/drugs/food/ cars/ jewelry ,as it would be more satisfying for the
soul .
In contrast with abundance
consciousness, a belief in having LESS compared to others, creates sadness in self and the sadness
spreads like a virus spreading . The energy of sadness spreads faster than the
energy of happiness because negative
electrons have a higher magnetic content than positive electrons .
In our poverty conscious world, sadness of one
person makes several people cry in
despair, and believe more in the individual’s
debilitated state . Newspapers and
social media thrive on accentuating negative thinking .
Feelings of helplessness and despair spread in
an uncontrolled manner because of the traditionally honored belief of needing
to focus on the suffering of human life. Sadness and helplessness are
repetitively aggravated by focusing on problems, more than on accomplishments.
A choice to be not content is ingrained in the human mind-set by
traditional thinking of focusing on past
suffering; instead of on the thinking patterns which help in overcoming suffering.
From an energy/ soul’s perspective, humanity , as a race is infected
by cancer of the spleen. Metaphorically, just as a human being develops cancer
by focusing on anger & helplessness,
mass consciousness is infected with the virus of helplessness , due to a
rigid belief in unchangeable suffering. In spite of huge improvements in living
standards, human health is destroying
itself due to inappropriately focusing on the negative energy that there is lack
of sufficient immunity against difficulties, which creates an internal dominant
focus on sadness. The cancer which ,
affects humanity today and spreads terrorism, aggression & wars , is
created by excessively focusing on anger , rejection & despair at an
individual or mass scale.
This illusion of helplessness is
created by focus on injustice more than on improvements. The appearance of negativity would reduce when
the fear of scarcity dies in individuals and surplus of goods is spread to the
poor who reflect lack of abundance with educational efforts made to raise their
vibrational frequency to receive and manifest abundance.
From the perspective of the
evolving individual human, there is too much food, too many fashions, too many
medicines, too much work and too many choices available in the modern world.
The feeling that there is too much is
increasing as individual humans strive to strike a balance between need and
greed, with the understanding that greed is harmful in the long run for
maintaining peace , good health or optimism. People are trying to learn how to
say NO to excessive surplus of resources because there is so much to choose from
However, feelings of scarcity
continue to rule over our subconscious minds because the traditional models of
growth based on the principle of scarcity of resources, have not been revamped
in tune with the changing times.
Though news about despair &
loss pays more money as negativity is absorbed faster due to its magnetic
content, spreading a negative mass consciousness spreads waves of sadness to
all. The evolutionary shift in human consciousness towards a qualitatively
better life for all, would be facilitated when focus of education, media &
newspapers shifts towards depicting positive aspects of individual lives or the
growing abundance of the human race, which has already overcome several
centuries of struggle to arrive at a consciously abundant world.
Happiness increases only if positivity
is allowed to be the dominating energy
in the mind by choice and with practice of positive thinking self -help
exercises, which reduce the habit of the mind to automatically slope downwards
towards fueling the energy of negative thinking.
In alignment with the rising
abundance of resources in the modern industrial world, an inbuilt abundance consciousness would ensure
that methods of distribution are created such that compassion, empathy and
sharing rule over monopoly and competitive money making games. When mass consciousness is positive,
waves of happiness spread for all . Increasing happiness for others , increases
positivity in self.
Walls of division have been created
from the primitive times onwards when
fear of losing resources was paramount . Due to habits of continued negative
thinking, people remained trapped in feelings of deprivation. Racism &
nationalist feelings were promoted in school
Competitiveness and violence still
continue to be a major tool of survival used as is evident from the stature of
armies which all countries maintain to defend themselves from ‘enemies’’.
In today’s advancing world of the
internet and world wide unification of thoughts, there is no continuing real need
for creating national boundaries for
safeguarding resources of food and shelter , as was in the primitive era.
The development of abundance consciousness would be much
easier if countries work on
international trade with peace, without the need to spread terrorism , threats
& fear. However, almost one-third of financial resources of national governments are spent
on defense expenditures which can be used for development of health, education
& peace in the masses.
God represents peace and harmony in
every religion but our education system stresses more on differences in regions
and religions than unanimity and thus, fails to teach that all religions
essentially uphold the same principles of love, understanding and Oneness.
The concept of nationalism creates
mental walls, and promotes egotist racism, which leads to inequalities in
distribution of food, services and benefits of technology. Economic
inequalities are subsequently used by
religious leaders who instigate the poor against the rich by quoting religion
as the reason for disharmony/war whereas the underlying reason is always a need
to amass more wealth for self over others, coming from the animal-mindset .
People of every religion need economic welfare equally but the need to compete
makes people brand their own God as superior to another , thus creating a need
for anger/ violence.
Education and literacy are
meaningless if they do not lead to creation of a happier and more peaceful
world. If an increase in overall happiness was targeted instead of the need to
be superior to others, there would be no need to glorify the self over others
and create economic inequalities to feel powerful.
Differences in religious worship
are natural and have developed as language differences have developed in
different regions but these differences are superficial and need to be ignored
than prioritized , to promote a peaceful and harmonious world where different
breeds can live together as an unanimously evolving consciousness.
When belief in having surplus
increases with faith in overall abundance,
happiness spreads as insecurity of each individual reduces. Each person feels safe about spreading
happiness and helping others as accentuating welfare of each other increases
mutual satisfaction. happiness, peace, faith & optimism. Contributing
towards growth of positive energy in another’s life raises the frequency of
positive energy in self while creating
vibrations of abundance which spread peacefulness to several others.
Peace in the world is a direct
outcome of individuals feeling at peace in their own lives; as the more
restless and competitive individuals feel,
the more are tensions and wars created at the mass level. Mass
consciousness is a sum total of individual consciousness.
Change begins from the
individual and reaches the masses where it can be accepted or discarded . To
evolve to a happier and more peaceful world, the rudimentary mind-set of using
force & violence needs to be replaced by deliberate training given to individual
young minds to feel abundant and not competitively judged; so that the whole
structure is motivated to think differently and evolution speeds up as attempts
are focused upon completing each other’s deficits more than competing with each
other’s talents.