Monday, 15 December 2014


Every aspect of our life as humans is a part of a  process of evolution. We, as souls, evolve from being animals to being humans. Happiness and love are the highest energy vibrations which are experienced only by souls who are moving from being human to being divine. These souls are no longer satisfied with animal pleasures of existence and seek deeper truths of life.
As we ascend , our soul faces tests where we have to move upwards from being human to being divine. As we become closer to the divine thinking of the Creator, our positive soul frequency rises. To become divine from human, we have to involve our soul in every act such that an element of sacrifice is involved. It is the extension of soul energy more than being human, which ignites our divine power as co-creators of the universe.


To preach truth is human, to practice truth is divine
To pray is human, to believe is divine
To marry is human; to merge as one is divine
To have sex is human, to light up the soul is divine
To imitate is human, to create originality is divine
To make mistakes is human; to learn from them is DIVINE
To learn is human, to act educated is divine
To memorize is human, to derive new wisdom is divine
To dance is human; to create soul vibrations is divine
To err is human, to forgive is divine
To seek is human, to find satisfaction is divine
To abuse is human, to acknowledge is divine
To complain is human, to understand is divine
To blame is human, to take responsibility is divine
To be careless is human, to  own up is divine
To earn money is human, to spread positive energy is divine
To own cars is human, to grow spiritually is divine
To love technology is human, to control your own mind technology is divine
To fall sick is human, to heal your energy  is divine
To cook is human, to spread oneness is divine
To leave in distress is human, to help a cause is divine
To play politics is human, to manipulate creative energies is divine
To write a book is human, to change consciousness is divine
To teach is human, to enlighten is divine
To act is human, to spread awareness is divine
To sing is human, to change earth waves is divine
To paint is human, to transcend realms is divine
To manage is human, to ensure equanimity is divine
To seek is human, to satisfy is divine
To lie is human, to confront is divine
To lust for body is human, to desire love is divine
To eat food is human, to eat healthy is divine
To trim your body is human, to stay healthy is divine

Trancension of souls can also be from devil To God if the soul is powerful enough to handle extreme experiences. A soul who has been low frequency, animal like would become high frequency, God like by completely reversing its thought process from thinking negative to choosing to focus on positive in every aspect of life.
To hit is animal, to accept errors is divine
To attack is animal, to protect the soul is divine
To scream is animal, to listen is divine
To rape is animal, to surrender is divine
To steal is animal, to spread justice is divine
To have free sex is animal, to find true love is divine
To kill is animal, to repay karma to souls is divine
To destroy life is animal, to create a new universe is divine

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