Friday, 26 July 2013


AS souls, we live eternally. Our real home is on the celestial plane. We come on Earth to learn some soul lessons like we go to school to learn lessons. Each life is a part of a learning course. When we master a given syllabus, we cross a grade or a  dimension and reach a higher dimension. A higher dimension raises our power and closeness to the Creator. thus, to experience happiness in higher degrees, each soul wants to overcome challenges such as to reach a higher positive frequency of experience.
A record of our scores is kept in a  form of Karmic records. Karma is a measure of energy and the records are kept simply on the basis of negative or positive energy we release during a life. We release energy through feelings when we think or act . The more negative energy we release, the more we fail to pass our tests.
The more we can feel positive during life's challenges, the higher is our score. Success on Earth does not matter for the soul unless it leads to a higher positive frequency. The soul can choose to do any action to be happy or choose not to take any action but only meditate, but as long as the soul manages to be happy,healthy and in peace, its positive frequency rises.
There are several complexities involved in making of a life plan before the soul incarnates on Earth, as are explained in detail in all my books which are written to help the souls develop awareness of their life purposes and raise their happiness from within
The following is an excerpt from the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS ( how past lives affect the present , a soul's perspective);

Section 1 - A brief description of the Life between Life (LBL) plane
a.    Where do we live when we die?

The concept that we continue to live after we die is not easy to comprehend. But, the fact that memories of past lives exist and working on them has a therapeutically healing effect, by itself , implies that there has to be a space where we live after we die on Earth and before we get reborn again. .This space is called the life-between-life plane. It has also been referred to as the celestial plane, heaven, the white Light, the Other Side etc.
The life-between-life space is considered to be our real home, whereas Earth is like a school where we come to learn some lessons and go back.  It is free of all negativities/ problems which arise due to limitations of time and space on the physical dimension.
Only positive frequencies can be experienced in the celestial plane as it is at a higher dimension. We have bodies as on Earth but they are made of a lighter substance/energy. We are connected with God all the tim       e and we feel whole and loved, not alienated as on Earth, due to an illusion of separation.
In the life-between-life space, we have memories of all our incarnations on Earth and on other planes of the universe. In fact, we make the life plan for the next incarnation after reviewing the plan executed in the previous life. We take up those lessons in the next life which have been left unfinished in previous lives.
Life-between-life sessions are needed to find out conceptual details about the life-plan with the aim of understanding the main purpose of life. They also help to find out which emotional lesson is planned to be learnt when a problem is being encountered.

b.    The making of a life-plan

The first step, while making the life-plan, for the soul is to decide the specific lessons it wants to learn during its incarnation on Earth. Then, the soul decides on how it is going to learn those lessons.
The soul plans to learn several of its lessons through family relationships (family includes parents, caregivers, relatives and associations through marriage), as one cannot escape family ties. Family members may be our biggest critics and hence may also be our most valuable teachers.
Family members become teachers because from their behaviour we learn what to do and what not to do. For example, if a person has an impatient father, his/her lesson may be to not lose patience as s/he may have been exposed to its ill effects from childhood.
We, usually, choose those souls as family members with whom we need karmic healing. Hence, there are frictions in families.
Other than choosing our family for learning emotional lessons and for karmic healing, we may also choose a particular family because we feel we need that kind of upbringing financially or socially, to achieve our main purpose of life.
Very often, our biggest challenge to move forward in life is to learn to undo beliefs and values which make us lower our self-esteem. Several of these beliefs and values come from the kind of upbringing we have.

Dev had chosen his family keeping all the above considerations in mind. His family members were his biggest critics, and hence his biggest teachers of what to do and what not to do. He needed karmic healing with them. And, he also needed that kind of upbringing, values, conflicts and financial support to achieve his main purpose of life.
The emotional patterns from the Greek soldier’s life were repeated in Dev’s present life. In his present life, as in the Greek soldier’s life, he was in conflict with the views of his parents. It was a love-hate relationship from both sides.
His parents behaved almost the same way with him as they had in the life of the Greek soldier. In the life of the Greek soldier, the king, his father always expected him to perform and win him accolades. The Greek soldier had started fighting when he was nine years old, and won a war when he was fourteen. This shows that as a child he was under pressure to perform as an adult. When he did not obey the king, and posed a threat to his pride, he was thrown in the lions’ den. The step-sister of the Greek soldier was always dishonest in her dealings with him and favoured the king at the cost of ditching him.
In his present life also, Dev’s father showed love to him only when he performed. He expressed cynical disapproval whenever he lost even if it was at a small school game. Hence, Dev was always under intense pressure to perform and felt that if he did not perform, nobody would love him. Dev’s mother sympathized with him sometimes but spoke negatively about him to his father and other people. When he overheard, he felt ditched.
The emotional lessons had got carried over from that life to this life because he had been unable to learn them in that life. Two obvious lessons involved were forgiveness and self-love for Dev. Maybe, his parents had to learn the concept of unconditional love and acceptance in face of defiance, being non-judgmental etc.

Dev’s case is a visible example of a life plan and how lessons get carried over from past lives. The same happens with all of us. We face most frictions in our relationships with our loved ones as most lessons are attached there.

c.    The concept of Death

Death is also planned in the life plan. We do not die unless we choose to. Subconsciously, we are always asked before death whether we want to leave and we go only if we silently agree to leave.
The Death point is referred to as an exit-point in some books, an apt term because death implies essentially, an exit from the Earth plane for the soul.

In a life plan, there are four-five exit points planned given the level of challenges we opt for. If we want to die early, we may plan to die through an accident, a heart attack, a disease, an ambush as in war etc. But, we may not take these exit points and die after living a complete life as of old age .

The exit point is also a transit point. Along with exit points, difficulties are clubbed which may be so intense that they may make the soul want to leave the Earth plane instead of staying and solving the problem. If the soul stays  on, it would have to change its vibrational frequency to more positive.

Overcoming such difficulties  usually  requires a transformation in the soul’s attitudes to life. For example, a financial crisis may be planned which may lead to a heart attack . Recovering from the heart problem would require that the soul change its thinking habits to being more stress free and positive . If the soul is unable to let go of its anxious mind-set, it may find it easier to die . However, the dying soul may not be aware that its problems would not go with death and it would have to face the same kind of crisis situations in its next incarnations till it learns to be non-anxious and positive in attitude.

 However, if the soul learns its lessons, it can recover from the crisis during its life., in a way that would lead to soul evolution more than success as visualized in human terms.
But, if the soul chooses to die with the problem instead, that is equally acceptable. The soul may choose that it is not yet ready for the lesson and postpone it. It can learn the planned lesson by planning the same problem in the next life-time, like Dev was doing, life after life.
However, though death is a relief for the leaving soul and hence need not be feared, Death cannot be used as an escape from problems. Suicide is usually not an exit point.

When a person refuses to grow emotionally, either by waiting for death, dying early or by committing suicide, it is time wasted for the soul as the soul has to relive the same life , all over again, with the same emotional problems for mastering its soul lessons. The life plan is virtually repeated till the soul is able to achieve its purpose of life. Dev had been repeating the same life plan since two thousand years only because he chose to die early almost each time, and still wanted to.

d.    The Council

When a soul makes a life plan on heaven, it takes help from his/her spirit guides. Once the plan is made, it has to be submitted to a Council in heaven.
The Council is like an Editorial Board. According to reports given by diverse people who have journeyed to the LBL plane under hypnosis, the Council has about twelve evolved souls. They have the appearance of old wise men or women.

Need for a Council - The Council checks on each soul plan and decides whether it is feasible or not. The feasibility needs to be assessed because the soul may make too difficult a plan in order to learn its soul lessons fast. For example, a person may plan separation from a lover and a cancer together in its life on Earth. His situation, therefore, may get so traumatic that the soul may decide to die rather than deal with the sadness.
So, the plan needs to be subdued such that the difficulties encountered are spaced out well and lead to learning of the emotional lessons, rather than giving up on them as happens when the soul ends up with suicide or death.
The Council makes suggestions on how the plan can be mellowed down so that the soul is able to achieve his/her purpose of life.
The final decision, however, lies with the soul. The soul may/may not accept the Council’s suggestions.

  The Hall of Records

The Hall of Records, also called the Hall of Akashic Records is the hall where the records about all our lives are stored in full detail. It is like a Karmic library in heaven. Any life we need to review can be found there.
The lives are stored systematically. Each theme of lives has a separate record book. For example, if our main soul lesson is learning to cultivate patience, then there would be a separate record book which shows the number of lives we have lived to learn patience.
During a hypnotic session, the records can be visualized in the form of doorways to make the process easier.
When a person goes into the Hall of Doorways, he sees the records of his lives in the form of separate doors. There are a number of doors, indicating the number of lives the person has already lived for achieving the purpose of life which the soul wants to achieve in this present life.

Usually, people live four to twelve lives in one theme. Hence, they may see several doors there.

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