Sacrifice has always been glorified in every religion. It is
said that sacrifice helps the soul evolve to be one with God.
Sacrifice, ideally, means an act of love. God is an
energy made of love. God represents oneness and love. So, when we sacrifice in
order to love better, we become closer in mind to the mind of God. Hence,
sacrifice is encouraged as it helps humans evolve to being more loving. THE FEELING OF LOVE INCREASES HAPPINESS. WHEN YOU SACRIFICE FOR LOVE, YOU LOVE MORE AND HENCE , YOUR HAPPINESS RISES.
So, when can
sacrifice be harmful for soul evolution? What makes sacrifice spread more
unhappiness than happiness for the people involved?
Sacrifice helps only when done out of the act of pure love.
If done out of fear of survival, need for money or to save lives of people who
are selfish or negative, sacrifice backfires and creates karmic debt. Sacrifice
done with a negative thought in mind spreads more negative and the negative
karma falls on the person who sacrifices than on the people he sacrifices for.
If innocent people die because you are working for a tyrant or if selfish
people can continue being selfish because you are their family protector, then
the onus of their negative energy lies on you.
If negative energy, thought or ritual continues because of your
sacrifice, then you have to pay heavy karmic debts because of your sacrifice.
You lose out on happiness during the sacrifice and you further lose out on happiness in future lives because of protecting a negative institution. Like,
if any corrupt person rules because you sacrifice, you have to pay for his
meanness. If you sacrifice for a tyrannical boss, an abusive husband, a selfish/ suicidal wife or dictatorial
patents, then your life becomes more miserable because you work against God in
protecting the devil’s thinking.
As is written in the
Dev was surprised at the rebuke
he got from his Higher Self, after being so successful on Earth. It got us
wondering whether other soldiers are also similarly rebuked, after death, when
they have sacrificed their lives in war.
is considered a glorified sacrifice on Earth may be a meaningless or negative
act from the soul’s viewpoint. It would make the soul feel its existence was
futile and make it want to incarnate again with the same tests of soul
Sacrifice of a life is meaningless for the soul
unless it adds to evolution of its consciousness in some way. Dying in the
process of spreading destruction or sadness could not be commended at the soul
level, because Dev took away the free will of several souls by taking innocent
lives as the Nazi soldier, before he died.”.........Chapter 7 - The Soul is disappointed
The book explains how sacrifice creates negative
karma when it is the reason for causing injustice to your own soul or other
souls. Sacrifice is meant to increase your happiness, not reduce it. If you
sacrifice out of love, you would find peace and happiness by serving those you
love but if your unrest, pessimism and selfishness are increasing, it means you
are sacrificing for the devil’s cause.
“A wound is where
light enters from”. said Rumi.
A sacrifice is an emotional wound. It helps break old walls
of priorities and spread new ways of thinking.
But, when we give up priorities, we have to expand our soul consciousness
to receive positivity from indirect routes. If we sacrifice feeling negative
within, then the wound created by the sacrifice does not heal. The pain which
sacrifice can cause consistently can lead to spread of more negative energy
than the positive it intends to create. A person sacrificing feeling negative
is like a wound remaining unhealed and causing septic or becoming infectious. A
person who feels negative on being sacrificed spread negative thoughts and
destructive energy.
As is given in the case history, the army
soldier Dev sacrificed his life and his happiness for the country but in the
act he spread injustice.
The book “CREATION OF HAPPINESS”, elaborates thus:
“Over the centuries,
success has become materialistically defined. Instead of being a measure of
happiness, it has become a measure of wealth or power. The need to win becomes
a priority, even if our happiness gets sacrificed during the act of pursuing
conventional success.
Wealth or power can lead
to happiness only if they are used for spreading positive energy. The wealth by
itself does not equal happiness but if it leads to creation of positive
feelings; then, only it helps in increasing happiness. It is the investment in
creating positive energy which makes us feel more loved, creatively successful
or healthy.
Money or power do not make us happier, if they
increase our anxiety of losing or make us escape from our soul lessons by
enabling resorting to short term gains of materialism. “ - excerpt chapter 17 - the extinction of dinosaurs in the NEW AGE
away another soul’s free will by killing
it in war or through murder, creates
negative karma for the killer, irrespective of whether the killer is legally
authorized to kill in Earth terms as a soldier or not.
At the soul level, taking another life is justified
only when it is needed for survival (as animals kill for food) or in
self-defence from a tyrant; not for any other reason. The Nazi soldier did not
kill in self- defence.
Dev, as the Nazi soldier, virtually killed as
part of a job wherein he fought for power and ego glorification of his country,
needs which are not considered justified from the soul’s perspective. His
sacrifice of life did not help his soul evolve in any way. Rarely is effort
towards destruction productive from the soul’s perspective.
From the perspective of the soul, there is no
difference in killing as a criminal and killing as a soldier, since in both cases;
the person kills for material considerations..........................................................Chapter
7 – In Search of Happiness
Any act
of social service helps only if the intention of the person is positive while
doing the act. If the person feels more negative than positive, then the
sacrifice becomes futile in generating positivity. If helplessness becomes greater
than hope, then sacrifice leads to more sadness in life than optimism,
devolution over evolution, bad over good,
diseases over health and depression over happiness .
As is further covered in the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS
Social service help in clearing negative karma?
Creation of positive energy by focusing on positive feelings and
actions, without harming others, is a sure method of clearing karma, and
healing suffering. But, focusing on positive actions while feeling negative
within may not lead to repayment of karma because the action, by itself, would
not be counted at the soul’s level of existence. Only feelings matter to the
soul’s energy cycle.
Being pre -dominantly positive within while taking actions only can help
to repay karma. Joy, peace and happiness are positive energies and cannot come
in our lives when we feel predominantly negative, irrespective of our external
Thus, activities like social service and praying done for repayment of
negative karma, would not always lead to creation of happiness in one’s life,
if the focus of the person is more on negative thoughts than positive on an average.
Like, if we pray out of fear, then the prayer would multiply fear in our
life not joy. Praying would connect us to God only when we do not feel
negative. God is energy of high positive frequency and cannot reach our soul
frequency if it is negative. Praying works when it helps us attain thoughtless
states or positive states of mind.”
Sacrifice never helps in your soul evolution to
happiness or to God, if you are more sad or helpless within due to the
sacrifice than being happy. Energy multiplies through focus. If we feel more
negative due to the sacrifice, we attract more negativity in our life by the
Law of Attraction.
However, sacrifice is extremely useful as an act of repaying karma if we
can sacrifice feeling good within.
We can sacrifice feeing good within only when we are sacrificing for love
or God and not for a tyrant or a job or
a selfish spouse. If
we sacrifice in order to make money or maintain a loveless marriage, we cannot
feel good within because we are sacrificing for maintaining hypocrasy and
spreading evil. Similarly ,if we sacrifice our happiness and stay with a person
because he threatens suicide, we create negative karma for ourselves and him as
we increase his selfishness.
Our act would bring us happiness if we help other
people evolve to being kinder and more compassionate. If we get emotionally
abused or beaten up by a dominating spouse, only to save a marriage, we create
a negative karmic debt for us. Any action which aims to maintain peace at the
cost on increasing tyranny, leads to creation of negative karma and
But, if we sacrifice out of true love in the hope
that our sacrifice would make someone else’s life better, we evolve as souls. The
act of love is always returned be it for God, children or other deprived souls.
When you act out of love, you are loved back. You receive positivity, blessings,
respect and happiness by those you help. On the other hand, if you help selfish
people, you would not feel loved in return but would feel more abused or
helpless as underperformers.
The core distinction between what makes sacrifice a
glorious act and a sinful act is the intention you do it with and who you do it
for. If you do it for love for those who give back pure love, light or
knowledge, sacrifice helps. If you do it for egoistic people to save their
face, sacrifice harms your own soul evolution.
Sacrifice needs to be done such that it makes you feel praised and
rewarded without receiving money, directly. The act of sacrifice needs to be made
to evolve to a higher quality of life which money cannot buy.
Sacrifice takes human evolution to the fourth
dimension from the third dimension, as is happening in the NEW AGE.
Life rose
from being animal like to being human like in the previous dimensional shift .
Animals live in a two dimensional world. Their food and work are directly
related. They hunt and eat. But, in the human world, a third dimension of money
gets added, Humans work but their food does not directly come from the work
they do. They work to earn money and then the money helps them buy food.
Sacrifice adds a fourth dimension to life. People
who sacrifice do not get direct money payment for the work they do. They do
sacrifice believing in God by helping other people. They send out love. God
gives them back love and they feel at peace. But, human beings cannot survive
on peace and love as they also have physical needs. That is where God helps
these people get money to survive from other channels. People who sacrifice do
not get adequate compensation for the work they do. But, their money needs are
met by other people who work for money.
Like, when a housewife sacrifices her job for being
with her children, her monetary needs is met by other people. Or, when saints
sacrifice their lives to spread knowledge, their monetary compensation comes indirectly.
True Sacrifice is that which involves faith in God, not lack of faith.
Sacrifice means sending energy to God and then
receiving money from God. It breaks the connection between earning and working.
People who sacrifice for work which gives them happiness, work without earning
money but they receive money anyhow from other channels of God. God takes karma
from the good people to do his work and then assigns other people to pay them
on his behalf.
Sacrifice creates leaps of blind faith. It breaks
regular patterns of how to receive by making you act only for love. When you
work for love, you sacrifice money trusting God for your survival. It is like
you plant seeds to flower your garden but you have to leave before you can see
the flowers. Then, you see the flowers in another garden where you did not plant
the seeds. Your work is rewarded but through an irregular route.
Sacrifice teaches you to surrender to God and work
only for happiness. As you focus on happiness, your happiness grows further
though it may grow in unconventional ways. You get all that you need but you
cannot question the channels from which your money comes in as it would come
from people God assigns for you. They may be people who owe you karmic debts
from previous lives but who you have not helped in this life. You cannot refuse
help or money from any channel which God sends as you work for love, and your
work may not pay you directly. So, when you sacrifice, you have to open your
energies to receive with respect from any person God sends to help you.
Sacrifice is meant to be an essential ingredient as
Earth evolves to a higher plane of existence. In the fourth dimensional Earth,
quality of life is meant to improve for the better for all. Love and compassion
are supposed to rule over fear and competition as the driving forces.
Love and compassion can rule only when the
connection between working and money breaks. When people work for their
happiness, happiness will rise by the Laws of Attraction, Creation &
Repetition. Some professions would earn more money and some less, but the
quality of life would improve, overall as people start working on talents which
pay happiness but do not pay money, as well. Sacrificing money for happiness
always increases happiness where sacrificing happiness for money leads to
sadness. Money is a means for amplifying your inner vibration, not an end by
Money, by itself is only a tool of buying happiness,
but happiness can come directly also, without needing as much money. Sacrifice
teaches us that we have to do work for the sake of helping other people we love
and not for money only. It helps us evolve our consciousness to thinking beyond
money or food, as a reason for working. We start aiming at emotional
satisfaction from the work we do, as we think beyond money or our animal needs.
Money comes as abundance is our birthright but we
learn to give up on the Hows. Moving from the third dimensional Earth to a fourth
dimensional earth involves an upliftment of consciousness. Like monkeys could
not think of anyways to get bananas without plucking them from trees, human
beings, now , can’t think of anyways of earning money than slaving themselves
for it.
Yet, as we move up dimensional scales, we become
closer to God. Feelings become our sixth
sense over the five senses of touch, tastes, hearing, seeing or smell. Then, we
start working for feeling good and receiving remuneration by feeling good,
while our survival needs are met through one channel or another.
Sacrifice is virtuous when material, survival
considerations are sacrificed for love and happiness. When you sacrifice eating
what you like to be in peace with your body, you become a healthier person.
When you sacrifice the video games you like, to study a course subject, you
become a wiser person.
When you sacrifice money for learning soul
awareness, your soul, mind, body integration improves.
It is sacrifice which creates space in your aura to
let new knowledge in by letting go of old unwanted beliefs through giving up something
precious like money, rich food or jewellery.
Likewise, when you sacrifice your traditions and
rituals to seek enlightenment, you become an evolved person. You quit playing
games on Earth to learn your soul lessons and become advanced as a soul.
Sacrifice leads to soul advancement only when pure
love is the core intention not fear of death of any kind. The soul lives
eternally and each life is not a step in the ladder of evolution. You have to
keep increasing your inner happiness with each choice you make and happiness
rises when you feel loved, at peace, healthy and content from within. . If done
with faith and love for God, Sacrifice paves the world for a perfect, happy
Sacrifice is a must for achieving happiness in
life. If you stay depressed and sad, it means you have negative beliefs of how
to live your life. Sacrificing your negative mindset for achieving happiness
would lead to your soul evolution as you would let go of people who are
negative and seek new definitions of being positive, from God.
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