The Imbalance of Technology
• Over-investing in technology alone creates a lopsided human experience, leading to unhappiness, aggression, and conflict.
• Technological advancement, without grounding in spirituality, has contributed to rising wars, terrorism, and disconnection.
• Technology can never provide shortcuts to happiness. Its external solutions fail to address internal emotional and spiritual needs.
The Role of Scientific Spirituality
• Scientific spirituality must be taught from schooling years to balance technological development with inner peace.
• A balanced approach integrates spirituality as a technology of the soul, creating harmony, positivity, and long-term happiness.
• Spiritual practices like faith, gratitude, and connection to God recharge the human spirit, enabling resilience and positivity in the face of challenges.
Balanced Investment: The Path to Wholeness
• A balanced investment in technology and spirituality fosters holistic growth, creating:
• A happy, fulfilled, and successful individual.
• Positivity that radiates outward, spreading joy and harmony in the world.
• In contrast, over-reliance on technology produces success coupled with anger, discontent, and a lack of connection to others.
The Science of Inner Vibrations
• Cause and effect of vibrations:
• Positive inner vibrations radiate happiness and peace, uplifting others.
• Negative vibrations spread sadness, depression, and conflict, perpetuating collective unhappiness.
• Connection to God is crucial to recharge positivity, overcome difficulties, and maintain a positive outlook on the path of personal evolution.
Faith and Gratitude as Tools for Happiness
• True happiness comes from persistent faith in God, gratitude for healers, and appreciation for helpers along the journey.
• Disconnected individuals spread negativity and doubt, resisting healing and perpetuating sadness.
• Scientists and inventors often credit divine inspiration for their breakthroughs, received in moments of silence and alignment with universal energy.
A balanced investment in money, technology, and spirituality is essential for humanity’s progress. Spirituality provides the foundation for positivity, resilience, and happiness, while technology serves as a tool to amplify external capabilities. Together, they create a thriving, peaceful, and connected humanity.