Thursday, 30 May 2024

Karma, Soul Lessons & Frequencies


Karma is the tiny electric unit of a negative, positive or neutral frequency released with every feeling you have & every breath radiating out from you. The positive or negative element of the karma is activated by intention more than action and is negatively affected by negative thinking.  Karma is positively affected by positive thinking, inner peace and optimism. This blog is an extract from my book : Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War ( a soul's perspective)

Karma is an integral part of the soul plan and is entwined with the learning of soul lessons. Negative karma occurs whenever the soul fails to overcome the pull of negative energy frequencies and, hence makes mistakes in learning its lessons.

Each time the soul gets involved in any act with a negative intention, it incurs negative karma. The negative karma incurred over a period is called the soul’s karmic debt. It is a debt because the soul has to transcend the negative energy it created with its focus, to move into a neutral or positive energy vibration. Only when the soul is able to transcend negative energy, by helping the souls it harmed in previous lives while remaining positive itself, would it be able to evolve to the next grade of evolution.


The soul’s karma accumulates over life-times, if it continues to make choices which make it feel more predominantly negative than positive .Continuing on the above example, in the next life the soul’s lesson would be even tougher because the soul would not only have to learn the lesson of patience in a similar manner, but also, would have to heal those souls in whose life it created negativity, so as to repay the additionally created negative karma.


The negative karma incurred by the soul remains as a karmic debt or liability in the soul’s Earth auric field over life-times ,till it is able to clear it by defeating the negative energy which ruled its senses in previous lives.

In this process of transcending the negative to positive, the soul is also able to learn its pending soul lessons and evolve to a higher stage of soul evolution. However, till the soul lessons are learnt, the karmic debt remains like an unfinished chapter in a course of learning.

Because of the karmic debt, the soul has a subconscious negative internal energy balance. Hence, it is repeatedly pulled into attracting similar kinds of difficulties in its life, till it learns to overcome the obstacles created by that particular type and frequency of negative energy. Suffering problems in life is a part of this karmic debt.


Suffering aids soul evolution as it helps the soul understand the physical manifestation of the same type of negative energy in victim and abuser roles. Understanding different aspects of the same energy viz. emotional challenge, helps in overcoming various forms of that negative energy, while learning the process of creation.

The same negative energy comes in various gradations and the soul tries to master each level of gradation, in the same life or over several lives


For example, the energy/emotion of impatience can lead one to make mistakes, shout, hit, kill etc. Making mistakes, shouting, hitting and killing are four gradations of the negative energy of impatience.


When we make mistakes, we become victims of abuse whereas when we shout, hit or kill, we classify as abusers. The roles are not strictly defined and may interchange in various situations of life. Thus, the abuser may shout or hit because he feels victimized somewhere.

However, all four gradations of the negative energy / emotion have to be individually overcome for the soul to transcend it into positive. The soul has to overcome impatience by learning not to make mistakes, shout, hit or kill; but to apply patience in all those situations where these negative urges come up.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

How Does Emotional Management Help?

 Emotional management helps a person learn how to remain positive when negative energy attacks in the form of difficulties. If the person does not understand how to manage emotions such as to convert negative energy into positive by choice, his/her soul starts radiating depression as negative energy takes over the positive life force of the person. The person’s thinking, spoken words and soul vibrations vibrate out the energy of predominant feelings being focused upon. A person dominated by negative emotions allows the energy of compromise to rule his mind and his body starts behaving dis-satisfactorily like a bulb glowing with less light.

The ‘WHY MEE? ‘Syndrome is an illusion of alienation which does not exist at the energy realms in which the soul breathes through life. 

Problems attack every soul incarnating on Earth in different ways depending on the life plan and soul lessons chosen by each while incarnating. Every person on Earth encounters negative frequencies which have to be overcome while the soul endeavors to master the art of creation on Earth, as a co-creator or part of the Creator. 

Difficulties come in the path of achieving emotional desires and are planned by the soul itself for learning soul lessons of evolution, before incarnating in a life-plan. To understand the art of creation on Earth, the soul makes a detailed life-plan with a syllabus made in the energy realms before incarnating, wherein it entails soul tests which include its life purpose, priorities, skills, desires and difficulties. The life plan is like a map which guides to a destination of higher positive frequency than the soul had at the point of birth. From the general soul’s perspective, the life plan is achieved if the soul dies happier than it was born.

To be happy and healthy, the soul has to clear its soul tests and rise to a higher, vibrationally .


The soul feels successful when negative 

frequencies which create difficulties are 

overruled or transcended to positive energy 

frequencies such that good ( high frequency) emotions dominate over bad ( Low frequency)energies within the self and hence, positive vibrations radiates out from the self. 

To be happy and successful at the same time, a balance between hope and realism has to be attained such that hope wins over pessimism. 

This blog is an excerpt from the book - Emotional Energy Management (preface)

Saturday, 4 May 2024

The Purpose Of Soul Evolution

The Higher Self exists in non-physical dimensions of the Light, in spirit form. It has a much greater frequency than that of the soul in a physical body, and therefore, it generates much more power than the soul of a physical body. The single soul is connected to this Higher Self and gets its sense of identity from the larger whole.


            The soul energy is by itself formless. It incarnates in a physical body which has a form. Being in a physical body, is like giving an expression to a painting which the Higher Self’s consciousness creates, in alignment with its purpose of incarnation.


            Like a painter paints a body form with his visualization, it is our Higher Self which decides whether the soul would incarnate in a male body, a female body, or a unisex body. The problems which a soul might face while being in the body like ill health, mental or physical handicaps etc. are also decided upon before birth, in a life-plan made in consensus with the Higher Self.


            The physical body is an approximate projection of the soul, just as a painting is an approximate projection of the painter’s mind. That means that the soul is not exactly what the body represents. The soul is not fat or thin, tall or short, by itself. The soul is formless, and assumes the form of the body, just as water assumes the shape of its beaker, but is a formless fluid energy, by itself. Thus, our soul is not the body. It is the life force in the body.

            The Higher Self envisages a particular kind of body for the soul so that it can mobilize the soul for mastering energies which would help it create the body it desires. How good or bad the body is created depends on the kinds of negative energies, which the Higher Self is planning to overcome through the body.


            The more accurate the soul becomes in the art of creation, the more accurately it can create a body which depicts its core identity, over its life-time.

The soul takes birth in the human body to learn the art of mastering the process of creation on the physical dimension. By virtue of being the part of the Creator, the Soul is the Co-creator of the Universe.


The purpose of soul evolution is to help the soul become perfect in the art of creation so that it can evolve to think and act like the Creator, in Oneness with the whole.

In this process of learning to create, the soul has to learn how to to manipulate energies, so as to mobilize them for creating a reality on the physical plane.

Focusing on positive energies helps the soul in mastering the art of creation, while focusing on negative energies leads to destruction of the purpose of soul evolution.


The world which we take as given is actually a physical manifestation of this process of creation, of which each soul is a part.


 The physical aspect of creation entails that we, as souls, are able to convert energies of negative frequencies, into energies of positive frequencies. That means that we are able to convert our difficulties into learning lessons of creation, so that they aid in the process of creation of a happiness which can be experienced through physical forms.


Our soul understands the process of creation on Earth by investing its energies on pursuing its dreams. The desires which we all have are there to motivate us to create reality on the physical plane. The obstacles we face in attaining those desires help us overcome manifestations of negative energies in physical form.


Any situation which makes us feel negative is an energy of negative frequency and has to be converted into an energy of positive frequency.

When we can convert our unhappiness into happiness, we, as souls are able to create what we desire to experience.

If we are able to defeat the negative energies, and create happiness for ourselves, we move upwards on the scale of evolution. As we become internally more positive/clear in our energy frequencies, we move closer to the high positive frequencies of the Creator.


Thesoul’s Higher Self helps it in mastering the art of creation, by giving signals on which choices to make in life .However, the decisions on which path to choose while overcoming obstacles in life has to be practically taken by our soul itself , on the physical plane. Our Higher Self, in sync with the Creator can guide us, but cannot interfere in our free will.


In the spiritual design, there is a hierarchy of structure wherein each soul has a free will, which gives it the power to choose on how to evolve.  The right of free will ensures that our soul cannot be forced into following the path of God, but has to learn to decide for itself which path is good for its own happiness.


Our Higher Self never forces its soul fragment to obey its command because, if it did so, the soul would not understand the art of creation on its own and would always depend on the Higher power for assistance. Because of dependence, the soul would not be able to evolve on its own or match its intention with that of the Creator.


 However, the soul can find happiness in its life only when it makes choices which lead it to overcome negative energy and manifest positive energy, as the Higher Self wants it to. If the soul makes choices which are not in alignment with its Higher Self, it would be like a cell making choices against the choices of the whole body.

If each cell wants to go in a different direction, the body would be in chaos and the cell would not find happiness either. So, evolution entails that the soul learns to master the process of creation such that it can create in sync with the plan of the Creator.


If we make the right choices, our individual happiness, would spread happiness in the world, as well, since each one of us is a part of the whole. Thus, if each unit of energy is happy, it necessitates that the energy would spread to make the overall quality of energy more positive.




This blog is an excerpt from the book -Creation of Happiness: The Energy War, the soul's perpective


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