Friday, 26 February 2021

Competitive Succes fails to Increase Happiness or Improve Health

 Everyone works to achieve happiness in life. 

We are advised to study as children and find 

employment as adults to be successful 

because it is assumed that success leads to 

happiness. However though people have 

displayed becoming more successful and 

rich in the Modern Age, happiness has not 

been rising .

The mindless pursuit of success and work-

ethics of choosing money over peace of 

mind, has increased anxieties, depressions, 

sadness and diseases in the Modern Age. 

The critical feeling of happiness , which 

success promised to satisfy, has been side-

lined in the blind pursuit of success and 

career over health, love and harmony . 

Though comforts, luxuries, amenities, and

increased multi-fold by a focus on rationally 

acclaimed methods of pursuing success, 

happiness has not risen. In fact, overall 

feelings of peace and happiness have

declined . 

The rat race has led to human beings 

feeling like rats- individually insignificant, 

dissatisfied and chasing temporary 

satisfaction over long term empowerment. 

Soul empowerment is necessary for each 

soul to feel happy, healthy and empowered 

as a citizen of the world; instead of the 

competitive rat race, which was glorified as 

the means of happiness but led to 

destruction of harmony in the world. 

However, development of inner soul 

strength is completely ignored in today’s 

success mania. Small problems are 

perceived as fatal even when solutions can 

be simply achieved by understanding 

different perspectives.

The strategy of pursuing success over 

peace has repeatedly failed to increase 

happiness. If a strategy fails repeatedly , it 

has to be reviewed and changed. 

Historically, it was repeatedly hoped that the 

next war would bring in peace or the next 

technological boom would solve all 

problems, but evidence from history has proved that wars have only increased unhappiness for winners and losers by decreasing wealth of the state.

Now, medicines are prescribed for depression 

than teaching people how to address their 

emotional disorders to find contentment in alignment with understanding of their

subconscious and soul needs.

Medicines or surgery aim at balancing 

hormones to heal diseases but fail to 

increase happiness, as promised because

the body and mind can permanently heal 

only when soul /emotional needs are 

addressed in a systematic manner . 

Physical problems are a result of 

malfunctioning in the subconscious mind 

which is responsible for normal, healthy 

functioning of the body.

Problems recycle as a negative thinking 

pattern moving around a negative point of internal dissatisfaction . 

Physical pains or aches which get cured by use of medicines or surgery in one part of 

the body restart cycling by affecting other 

parts of the body as negative energy 

changing form and returning as another

disease/pain or misfortune. Diseases cycle

in circular movement as negative thinking

rotating around a point of negative internal dominant focus.

Thus blog is an excerpt from my upcoming book - Soul Lessons . 

Hence, learning of soul lessons is important to invest time on the reason for taking birth and pursuing a consciously aware  soul path to happiness than use trial and error academic and competitive  methods that can make you very stressed, negative  and take you far from your goal of being positive and happy. 


Saturday, 13 February 2021

Marriage Cannot Create Or Maintain Love or Happiness, AutmaticallY

              Beliefs about life are often conditioned such that we get tuned into suppressing our negative feelings for the sake of maintaining a positive exterior front.   However, our positive self talk fails to help us if we feel negative within, irrespective of how it should be as per our beliefs and conventions.


            For example, if we are in a marriage (or in a job) where we have several differences with our partner, we may tell ourselves repeatedly that we are coping up happily but go on feeling sad within. The negative feelings would reach our soul, not what we tell ourselves consciously, since the soul only feels us at an energy level; it cannot hear our self rationalization.


            When we cheat our soul, we feel internally helpless and our bounce of life drops because the soul is like the filament of a bulb. It keeps getting its power from the main source of Life, through invisible energy circuits, which connect the soul to its Higher Self.

            If the focus of the body is on negativity, these energy circuits get clogged and the connection of the bulb to the source of light gets weakened.

            The soul can no longer connect to the Light and hence,it no longer feels positive. Its frequency lowers.


             Like a fused bulb filament, it feels trapped inside the body, unable to connect to or radiate life force. However, unlike the machine filament, the soul doesn’t permanently die. It has a unique consciousness, and the power to revive through exercise of its will.

            When the soul feels blocked it tries to restore back to its original frequency. To raise its frequency, it has to reconnect to the main source of Light.

            To reconnect to the light, it has to clear its energy circuits by removing all thoughts and beliefs which make it focus on the negative. Hence, our soul tries to break that structure around us, which forces us to focus on the negative aspects of life.


            For example, the soul which feels blocked in a marriage or in a job would try to remove this obstacle which it perceives is the cause of lowering its frequency. Thus, irrespective of our positive self-talk, our soul energy would pull us subconsciously to break the marriage or leave the job.


            If we ignore our subconscious pull, we would go on feeling sad. Overtime, due to feeling sad, we would develop mental and physical diseases,as there would be a consistent focus on stress and release of negative hormones in the body. The negative feelings would keep lowering the soul frequency, and our situation would turn from bad to worse as we go on reinforcing our focus on the negative situation.

            The only way to help our soul feel positive would be to make ourselves feel good, not merely tell ourselves that we feel okay. Feeling good internally would be a more honest experience and would necessitate changing a negative pattern of thinking or working or living.


            To feel good, we would need to release illusory fears of survival, which may be the reason for us to want to continue living in the negative experience.  Or we may have to break persistent, harmful habits which create problems in our job or marriage like laziness, impatience, rigidity of thinking, refusal to adopt positive beliefs, lack of self-discipline etc. In either case, feeling good within would require learning of soul lessons, failing which we would continue feeling negative.


             Negative feelings aid in soul evolution because they force us to learn soul lessons. If feeling negative did not cause us pain, we could conveniently drift through life, without making any effort to evolve to a better quality of existence. However, the negative energy has to be converted to positive rather than succumbing to its velocity.

This blog is  an excerpt from the book CREATION OF HAPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR ,  a soul's perspective, chapter 6.

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

How Subconscious Rules, Values and Beliefs Affect Everyday Life


Rules, values and beliefs create programs in the subconscious mind.


You involuntarily follow these programs through life. Some of these programs help you always while several programs become dysfunctional when circumstances change.


For example, “”Brush Your Teeth Everyday “’ is a program which is always needed to have healthy teeth. However, a rule like ‘Eat GOOD MEALS to stay healthy “is a program which would change as the needs of the body change froma child to an adult to old age. How you define GOOD becomes a subject of conflict over-time. People become fat because they over-eat due to ingrained beliefs which connect fatty eating to staying healthy. A person desiring to become slim would not feel healthy if he reduces fat in a meal- content.

Like eating, you have rules ingrained about all aspects of life. All beliefs from childhood need to be periodically cross checked and reviewed with awareness of how they rule your subconscious, and create stress in adult lives.

Beliefs are uploaded in the subconscious mind during childhood upbringing or come over from past lives. Beliefs, which are accompanied by strong negative emotions, take root in the mind and get manifested.Positive desires, usually, cannot manifest if you have deeply ingrained negative beliefs.


For example, if you are repeatedly warned in your childhood to work hard or you will not succeed; your mind will, subconsciously, take these words as a rule of life. The three separate verbs – ‘’work hard “’and ‘’succeed’’ are clubbed as one rule and may start operating as a programme in the SCM...

If you do not work by conventional methods, you may not feel successful ever in life. If you enjoy work, you may feel that it’s not hard enough and start fearing not succeeding. When you involuntarily focus on not succeeding more than you focus on working, then the mind will create obstacles in your life so that you don’t succeed.

Anything can happen depending on the frequency of the energy you manifest by your fear of failure.  Success may come in your life from other people’s perspective of what success means but you may feel unsuccessful if you do not attain soul satisfaction. Your negative belief that you have to work hard to succeed may prevent you from succeeding when you are not working as hard or find work which is easy .

Had the conditioned belief been that ‘Whatever you do with a positive attitude, you will succeed’, then a positive picture would have come in your mind from the beginning.

For further reading, please refer to the book : A COURSE IN EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT , Part 1...

7 Steps of Enlightenment starting from Ego Transcendence

   Enlightenment is level 7 while ego transcendence is level 1 of enlightenment. Enlightenment...