Your whole past
experience is stored in the subconscious mind, along with your previous
response, as a computer programme.
You may feel loved or
hurt just because an emotional circuit onned itself when a similar frequency is
matched up. A whole emotional circuit may get triggered awake or open up
by a single trigger - like a phrase, a sound, a touch or a sensation which
reminds you of the original event.
Metaphorically, this
function of the subconscious mind is similar to a programme opening up, on the
computer screen, by typing a key word in the search engine.
You may suddenly
start crying for no explainable reason as several stuck emotions of hurt
resurface upon hearing a word, a phrase or an expression, which you must have
heard when you were small or vulnerable.
For example, if you
cried in childhood when your parents rebuked you for failing in an exam, you
may cry or become sad internally, even as an adult, when you fail. You
automatically start feeling sad, rejected or unloved as you did when you were a
child because your subconscious programming says “Failure brings rebuke’”
and a whole chain of negative emotions follow one after another.
Instead, had your
parents dismissed failure as a learning lesson, you would have learnt to not
feel negative energy around it.
Failure works as a
learning lesson for the soul. To learn from failure, you have to accept that
you have failed, not feel sad about failing, and then use failure as feedback
on how to improvise your actions, behavior or thinking to get the desired
happiness in the next attempt. Usually, your happiness would rise after
having failed and improvised than succeeding in the first attempt; because,
through failure, you also redefine what you desire from an event.
If you can use
failure as feedback to change your thinking program, you would have a different
subconscious programming which says “”FAILURE IS FEEDBACK “,
” Failure is
self-rebuke” is a negative mind-set whereas “Failure is
Feedback” is a positive mind-set. When you use failure as feedback,
you improvise, using your positive energies whereas when you use failure to be
sad, you dip in depressed/negative vibrations in other areas of our life, as
Thus, your mind is
conditioned with other people’s learned beliefs and can be deconditioned and
reprogrammed by developing an awareness of what you believe to be true,
irrespective of popular culture...Popularity does not necessarily lead to
happiness or good health but developing awareness of what makes you internally
happy and changing your choices accordingly, always improves happiness and good
Just as a toddler
learns to walk in balance after falling down several times, failure helps to
review the mind’s strategy in progress. Accepting failure leads to inner
change, deletion of an old, redundant program like a belief or ambition which
no longer creates the happiness desired and installation of a new thinking
pattern to get the desired balance.
Treating Failure
as Feedback deliberately is necessary to change your everyday mind-set
from negative to positive. Healing the soul is more important to remain healthy
and happy than any miracle healing. Miracles help only if they change your
vibration from doubt to belief, but subsequently, you have to change your
everyday choices of thinking to positive to remain in alignment with God’s
positive vibrations. No miracle healing helps you find happiness. It only
solves one problem, but another problem crops up. Your life cannot be peaceful
unless your inner mindset changes to positive, such that you accept that
difficulties are a part of life and realize that diseases, depressions and
deprivations can be cured through making positive changes in your subconscious
thinking pattern.