Sunday, 10 December 2017

Recording Of A Death in Your Subconscious Mind

This blog is a practical exercise from my book A COURSE IN EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT

Imagine a death of a close relative in your family or friends. You hear the news and a tremor of low frequency thought-wave/ shock passes over you.
When you visit the place of death, you may feel overwhelmed with sadness and you start crying uncontrollably at the loss. You may suddenly feel that the only person who understood you has gone and you are completely alone in this world.
Some example of the emotions you may experience are: - Startle, shock, sadness, unease in the body, a blood rush, panic, anxiety, despair, trauma, loneliness, helplessness…etc...
(This is the arousal of the sympathetic nervous system. It helps your body react to a crisis situation by creating symptoms in the body which suspend normal activity and enable focus on the crisis situation. Emotional trauma and a physical accident are read as same in energy by the subconscious mind and same symptoms are created when an emotional accident occurs as when a physical accident occurs.)
Imagine yourself after the death, on the next day and a week after the incident. How long would it take you to settle down completely, so that you do not feel any anxiety in your physical body?
(Note-This is the para sympathetic system getting activated. If you keep recalling the memory of the dead person, the para –sympathetic system would not be able to restore your body to normal as you are choosing to relive the crisis situation again and again in your mind. )

Part B – Varying Experience of Emotional Intensity

Imagine hearing about the death of another relative in another city who was not as close to you. How do you feel? Feel inside your body. There may be a little sadness somewhere. You may express sympathy and a look of sadness comes on your face. Think about it.
You may again feel shock, despair and helplessness but to a far lesser degree as you are not directly affected by this death.
 Note -This death has been at an emotional distance. Due to the distance felt as energy space in the mind, there are physiological changes in your body, but to a lesser degree. It also takes you lesser time to forget about it.
So, both the sympathetic and para sympathetic system got activated again, but to a lesser degree.
Distance of time or space lowers the pain.
It may be noted that emotional distance has the same impact as physical distance in the body. If you are detached, in disagreement or unaffected by the person who is leaving or is dead, your pain would be as less as would be with distance of time.

Note – After an emotional accident is over, the choice to reduce your pain and be positive is yours. Detachment and letting go of the spirit of the dead person into light, helps in feeling peaceful and positive again. However, since general society refuses to acknowledge the soul as eternal, there is usually, extreme despair and sadness felt at the death of a person. People keep thinking about the dead person as a loss, almost bound by tradition to feel sad.
This choice to feel negative harms the departing spirit as the more peaceful the soul of a  person is allowed to be after death, the more easily it can transgress to heaven or the next birth .
Also, the need to cry and be sad after death of a person harms your positive soul frequency as recalling the memory of the person is virtually the same as recalling the spirit of the person, subconsciously. Your pain will stay alive because you force the dead person to stay alive through you.
 When you keep feeling the pain of the dead person , negative energy transfers inside you with a focus on negative feelings.

 As long as you keep the crisis alive, subconsciously, the ANS will keep alive symptoms of the accident and you will not feel completely calm again. On the other hand, if you allow yourself to let go of the memory of the dead by sending an imagined spirit form  into the light, detach by cutting your energy cords ( as given at the end of this book ) , you will be free of a negative frequency which is lowering your feeling of being alive. After you detach from the pain of death, your emotional frequency would rise to positive again as an energy uplifting after being suppressed. By accepting that the trauma as over, your ANS will record the external situation as normal and your body will be restored to its normal strength.

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