Sunday, 17 September 2017

negative emotions in the body multiply like weeds in a garden

Emotional Management is as necessary to be happy and healthy as financial management is to be wealthy.
Though most people are unaware of the deep impact of emotions on health, the truth is that negative emotions release energies through hormonal & electric impulses in the body which act  like poisonous acid in the body that creates diseases, fears & anxieties.

At the core cycle of creation through which the soul participates as a co-creator of reality , the soul releases emotions by feeling energies that range in frequencies from a variety of positive ,zero and negative experiences.
This core energy of an emotion is emitted vibrationally as an outgoing breath by the body, an electric impulse by the soul and the release of a hormone by the subconscious mind within the body .
The energy of an emotion can be positive or negative in frequency. This happy (positive) or sad (negative) energy passes to different parts of the body through neuro-pathways called as neurological energy circuits.

The energy of each soul that passes into the world as a breath of a negative or positive frequency , is also emitted as a thought of a specific feeling which has a unique vibration . This vibration underlying a feeling, be it positive or negative,  influences the energy of overall thinking patterns in individual and  mass consciousness.
When unchecked and allowed to grow, negative emotions in the body multiply like weeds in a garden and disrupt smooth functioning of the respective health organs along with corrupting overall mind functioning, as will be elaborated in the book.

More negative feelings create more problems in the world as the energy radiated from each soul is negative and hence, tilts the balance of mass soul consciousness towards the negative.  However, if each individual soul makes a deliberate effort to  uplift its vibrations to feel positive, the impact of each positive emission of energy on mass consciousness would help reduce problems of the world as a cumulative effect .
 However, due to lack of awareness of the impact of emotions on health, peacefulness and evolution , people allow themselves to become sad and thus, fuel negative thoughts which subsequently , increase problems.

Training in emotional management is necessary so that each individual soul  deliberately chooses to be happy with awareness of how each feeling which is repetitively focused upon releases energy that influences peacefulness in everyday life and in the world. 

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